Total bets:
2,050 mimecoins
2,049.79 mimecoins were paid out to the winners.
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Started: 2024-10-26 12pm UTC (21 weeks ago)
Stopped: 2024-10-26 6pm UTC (21 weeks ago)
Paid out: 2024-10-29 17:24:11 UTC
(20 weeks and 3 days ago)
Blocks: 312213 ... 312325 ... 313675
0.01% fee
Bitcoin between $65,000 and $69,000
0.5125 BTC issued at $4,000 per contract (2,050 mimecoins)
Initiated at: $67,093.8 (USD/BTC 0.0000149045)
Paid out at: $72,769.6 (USD/BTC 0.0000137420)
BTC up
Transactions (2)
Xd6CUG2wxY212pa4k7QgyMjwuCRx8ZX4yR (Buy BTC)
275.1445 mimecoins
[S] Xp28BncqvBvmWxWwyaBVMLWXZFyvnuN2gb (Buy BTC)
49.9951 mimecoins
0.0125 BTC - 812.503 USD
= 49.9951 MIME Details
Paid 26.1725 mimecoins @ $2,093.8 / contract (67,093.8 BTC/USD)
0.0125 BTC - 812.503 USD
BTC between $65,000 and $69,000 (32.044X leverage)
Paid out at 49.9951 mimecoins
@ 69,000 BTC/USD (72,769.6)
0.005 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 23.8225 mimecoins +91.02%
Xe6DCoaedWojD8pLt1p7ePnR1k7MpbYKBG (Sell BTC)
250.491 mimecoins
[S] Xj23BWmWGg2e93xQ7Bh4WgsRW4Vmr4Nen6 (Sell BTC)
0 mimecoins
-0.0124999 BTC + 862.496 USD
= 0 MIME Details
Paid 23.8274 mimecoins @ $1,906.2 / contract (67,093.8 BTC/USD)
0.0124999 BTC + 862.496 USD
BTC between $65,000 and $69,000 (35.1977X leverage)
Paid out at 0 mimecoins
@ 69,000 BTC/USD (72,769.6)
Net loss of 23.8274 mimecoins -100%
Xc7J6rmJEoSYnsCrqCwddZZTo1KfGZugXv (Buy BTC)
219.102 mimecoins
[S] Xy2aL4a8REfWYGgbWMZWdJ41PMKTrqWmiJ (Buy BTC)
777.96 mimecoins
0.49346 BTC - 32,568.3 USD
= 777.96 MIME Details
Paid 1,071.5499 mimecoins @ $2,171.5 / contract (68,171.5 BTC/USD)
0.49346 BTC - 32,568.3 USD
BTC between $66,000 and $70,000 (31.3937X leverage)
Paid out at 777.96 mimecoins
@ 67,576.7 BTC/USD
0.0778 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 293.5899 mimecoins -27.4%
Xk7KshHehUqgimi8tiQsm6jHPLT3VPrzzZ (Sell BTC)
189.8421 mimecoins
[S] Xy2opurvnthh73skUd8SBcJvr49F8t7xR1 (Sell BTC)
1,230.3492 mimecoins
-0.507767 BTC + 35,543.7 USD
= 1,230.3493 MIME Details
Paid 928.45 mimecoins @ $1,828.5 / contract (68,171.5 BTC/USD)
0.507767 BTC + 35,543.7 USD
BTC between $66,000 and $70,000 (37.2828X leverage)
Paid out at 1,230.3493 mimecoins
@ 67,576.7 BTC/USD
0.123 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 301.8993 mimecoins +32.52%
Xb6Cw5cbAuCzPnHTR2u1TQAjGepv79AYcv (Buy BTC)
218.4111 mimecoins
[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy BTC)
1,999.7998 mimecoins
0.5 BTC - 32,500 USD
= 1,999.7998 MIME Details
Paid 1,046.9 mimecoins @ $2,093.8 / contract (67,093.8 BTC/USD)
0.5 BTC - 32,500 USD
BTC between $65,000 and $69,000 (32.044X leverage)
Paid out at 1,999.7998 mimecoins
@ 69,000 BTC/USD (72,769.6)
0.2 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 952.8998 mimecoins +91.02%
Xb6DXiAhpJp6S3buJhDLJicNbUJvoHxAVB (Sell BTC)
198.842 mimecoins
[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell BTC)
0 mimecoins
-0.5 BTC + 34,500 USD
= 0 MIME Details
Paid 953.1 mimecoins @ $1,906.2 / contract (67,093.8 BTC/USD)
0.5 BTC + 34,500 USD
BTC between $65,000 and $69,000 (35.1977X leverage)
Paid out at 0 mimecoins
@ 69,000 BTC/USD (72,769.6)
Net loss of 953.1 mimecoins -100%
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