This transaction has 2 inputs and 5 outputs totalling 3.00179 datacoins.
136.7271 mimecoins in, 86.7269 mimecoins out (50.0002 mimecoins destroyed).
Loaded in 0.00 seconds.
Xg7JQ51hzKpSgcEidhMsVhPVMWSRGg5yAH (Buy BTC)
41.2214 mimecoins
[S] Xp28BncqvBvmWxWwyaBVMLWXZFyvnuN2gb (Buy BTC)
23.7626 mimecoins
0.01 BTC - 950 USD
= 23.7625 MIME Details
Paid 23.765 mimecoins @ $2,376.5 / contract (97,376.5 BTC/USD)
0.01 BTC - 950 USD
BTC between $95,000 and $100k (40.9748X leverage)
Paid out at 23.7625 mimecoins
@ 97,376.5 BTC/USD
0.0024 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 0.0023 mimecoins -0.01%
Xy7KC9kMTfD2yGrjBsxYgpLhWi5UtyL5B5 (Sell BTC)
45.5055 mimecoins
[S] Xj23BWmWGg2e93xQ7Bh4WgsRW4Vmr4Nen6 (Sell BTC)
26.2323 mimecoins
-0.01 BTC + 1,000 USD
= 26.2324 MIME Details
Paid 26.235 mimecoins @ $2,623.5 / contract (97,376.5 BTC/USD)
0.01 BTC + 1,000 USD
BTC between $95,000 and $100k (37.117X leverage)
Paid out at 26.2324 mimecoins
@ 97,376.5 BTC/USD
0.0026 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 0.0025 mimecoins -0.01%