Play Now
Swedish krona between $0.092 and $0.097
Total bets:
2,000 mimecoins
0 mimecoins were paid out to the winners.

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Started: 2024-10-23 6am UTC (8 hours ago)
Stopped: 2024-10-23 12pm UTC (148 minutes ago)
Pays out: 2024-10-26 11:30am UTC (in 3 days)
Blocks: 310761 ... 310879 ... 312276
0.01% fee

Swedish krona between $0.092 and $0.097

400k SEK issued at $0.005 per contract (2,000 mimecoins)

Oracle price:   $0.0943596   (USD/SEK 10.5978)
Initiated at:   $0.0948377   (USD/SEK 10.5443)
SEK down 0.5041%
Buy SEK   $0.00283769   33.42x
Sell SEK   $0.0021623   43.86x

Transactions (1)

#9 in block #310763, 21 inputs, 33 outputs, 0.00010002 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 25fb654831c2e56255c3dd503cde31fd84bfeadab783af02cd1a43149d04456f

Xg7C1b7nrSdkQZfaAUa4GE5U9xaKckU9xk (Buy AED)
1,560.9519 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy AED)
1,225.3774 mimecoins   Spent
100k AED - 26,000 USD = 1,225.3775 MIME   Details

Xv7DeNpfi3m7WCtY9jguygSqNXF4MRiJP6 (Sell AED)
986.5012 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell AED)
774.4225 mimecoins   Spent
-100k AED + 28,000 USD = 774.4225 MIME   Details

Xh7E4gComRLD4h5ppHjdh5361f4LCDa7DL (Buy AUD)
1,291.6861 mimecoins   Spent

1,133.3866 mimecoins   Spent
1M TWD - 30,000 USD = 1,133.3867 MIME   Details

Xi75t3Sxt7ixHdxzUEoTFXYK8Mja8t6fes (Sell TWD)
790.6635 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26xLo7C5kQoYRcUKqi5V4y3q4jm1f9Qa (Sell TWD)
866.4133 mimecoins   Spent
-1M TWD + 32,000 USD = 866.4133 MIME   Details

Xe76Q31fviX6W4NmjpSd4ifJPtPkQ99s8j (Buy XAU)
1,062.8798 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xg2fgYZJ6XDynnk7Xkj4FB9qACp6GK8NNR (Buy XAU)
1,247.8752 mimecoins   Spent
10 XAU - 26,000 USD = 1,247.8752 MIME   Details

Xg77SY2uYhAjwbWT4apFUZN12tuzdeZFEc (Sell XAU)
869.102 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xq2Wd4QXzVUMn2QwdEaG2sKmMgVvVnG5xe (Sell XAU)
751.9248 mimecoins   Spent
-10 XAU + 28,000 USD = 751.9247 MIME   Details

Xy78V7JR1bZykS1Ux1MMK5NdDsekgdi4dr (Buy XAG)
1,059.209 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2S2NY3m2Rqwx5JBEBSmpy6ov2cHY3MWE (Buy XAG)
1,999.8 mimecoins   Spent
1,000 XAG - 31,000 USD = 1,999.8 MIME   Details

Xc79FxKYYhHicpBKM7L1Xcmu8WpfmEHqLs (Sell XAG)
872.7728 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc2egxxnMkGYrk5h66CmPJiJNsrrgeLeou (Sell XAG)
0 mimecoins   Spent
-1,000 XAG + 33,000 USD = 0 MIME   Details

Xu7ArKR5tTJzuKA8362BFDTzmTTJuYqanC (Buy ZAR)
1,183.2744 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc2GwqfDRAGcn1ffSsibqqkHBmZCtX61cb (Buy ZAR)
1,161.6837 mimecoins   Spent
666.667k ZAR - 36,666.7 USD = 1,161.6837 MIME   Details

Xe7BqkyHX9j4T7wHvETgdtZePrN7G54vcA (Sell ZAR)
748.7073 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xs23sbXYxgE6EgP8pceLrAWWMB958v3wuQ (Sell ZAR)
838.1161 mimecoins   Spent
-666.667k ZAR + 38,666.7 USD = 838.1161 MIME   Details

Xe82WrcNeScNWiWgNxwZ5hdWiC1Tqtp9SE (Buy SEK)
313.9026 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy SEK)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
400k SEK - 36,800 USD = 943.7456 MIME   Details

Xt83YHf5WCzgJyuXbJJ2nU1dEYQriKtTAC (Sell SEK)
239.1907 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell SEK)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-400k SEK + 38,800 USD = 1,056.0543 MIME   Details

Xp84vKMiRiSpeEi8TyjjAAw7A1H21mRmpf (Buy SGD)
263.5351 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xs2DmcPjjj4sztRaPMNj3hJr8mQAHJUDQV (Buy SGD)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
50,000 SGD - 37,000 USD = 807.9691 MIME   Details

Xb85BU57B4YNNnpCMRGneh14yniGJirNNj (Sell SGD)
289.5582 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy2GwJAXtzGdYWuZXoY53wktknSrScUfmN (Sell SGD)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-50,000 SGD + 39,000 USD = 1,191.8308 MIME   Details

Xj86rJVF74BGxDWrF41CzrxSvJbZktqEru (Buy THB)
213.1345 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xn2EXvhyVXycNm3JZFRQM5vRkEREX6gQ5V (Buy THB)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
1M THB - 29,000 USD = 603.0396 MIME   Details

Xe871dbWGh5YXw4stRzn8Xjk7qp127j5Vq (Sell THB)
339.9588 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xw2ymmkxz4Zz6WbaSxmM6zJoMh4J6CceqB (Sell THB)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-1M THB + 31,000 USD = 1,396.7603 MIME   Details

Xw88vzAEiEh64PbSFXQNeeRA4JuyGKmzRG (Buy TRY)
331.4688 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy2aL4a8REfWYGgbWMZWdJ41PMKTrqWmiJ (Buy TRY)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
1M TRY - 28,000 USD = 1,158.1842 MIME   Details

Xo89mqTeDbebuY1LocLjo5rSbYux9K7jNk (Sell TRY)
221.6245 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy2opurvnthh73skUd8SBcJvr49F8t7xR1 (Sell TRY)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-1M TRY + 30,000 USD = 841.6157 MIME   Details

Xx8ALrm62rdxcgwu5sCRVhccJoYmySxAZ4 (Buy TWD)
327.9844 mimecoins   Unspent

0 mimecoins   Unspent
1M TWD - 30,000 USD = 1,175.8823 MIME   Details

Xc8BVdFFhaFz7K4sTj1TDrxW71AEN98uLi (Sell TWD)
225.109 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy26xLo7C5kQoYRcUKqi5V4y3q4jm1f9Qa (Sell TWD)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-1M TWD + 32,000 USD = 823.9176 MIME   Details

Xt8CP9xmX8Y7HLQH4ZQGosu4H6qx5o6chY (Buy XAU)
285.433 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xg2fgYZJ6XDynnk7Xkj4FB9qACp6GK8NNR (Buy XAU)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
6.66667 XAU - 17,333.3 USD = 831.9167 MIME   Details

Xk8DkoabrQWYCVuUFyeXSRsmjCk25erysy (Sell XAU)
267.6603 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xq2Wd4QXzVUMn2QwdEaG2sKmMgVvVnG5xe (Sell XAU)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-6.66667 XAU + 19,333.3 USD = 1,167.8831 MIME   Details

Xr8EJUYhyoiDJyWugZVVBrJPd2aiur4X64 (Buy XAG)
203.1235 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xz2S2NY3m2Rqwx5JBEBSmpy6ov2cHY3MWE (Buy XAG)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
1,000 XAG - 34,000 USD = 0 MIME   Details

Xn8Fiv7a8LcQrebmM1jmCqAv27x9BQ5Du3 (Sell XAG)
349.9698 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xc2egxxnMkGYrk5h66CmPJiJNsrrgeLeou (Sell XAG)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-1,000 XAG + 36,000 USD = 1,999.8 MIME   Details

Xd8GvzZefw22MNBQdARLP3ME3wyX8WSzdi (Buy ZAR)
294.4254 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xc2GwqfDRAGcn1ffSsibqqkHBmZCtX61cb (Buy ZAR)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
500k ZAR - 27,500 USD = 610.8888 MIME   Details

Xn8HUfJRkqsih2ZC15jcXY6UreSZCGpbM7 (Sell ZAR)
258.6679 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xs23sbXYxgE6EgP8pceLrAWWMB958v3wuQ (Sell ZAR)
0 mimecoins   Unspent
-500k ZAR + 29,500 USD = 1,388.9111 MIME   Details

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