Total bets:
2,050 mimecoins
2,049.79 mimecoins were paid out to the winners.
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Started: 2025-01-11 12pm UTC (10 weeks ago)
Stopped: 2025-01-11 6pm UTC (10 weeks ago)
Paid out: 2025-01-14 17:29:59 UTC
(9 weeks and 2 days ago)
Blocks: 347671 ... 347793 ... 349173
0.01% fee
Bitcoin between $93,000 and $98,000
0.41 BTC issued at $5,000 per contract (2,050 mimecoins)
Initiated at: $96,095.2 (USD/BTC 0.0000104063)
Paid out at: $96,043 (USD/BTC 0.0000104120)
BTC down
Sell BTC $1,904.79 50.45x
Transactions (2)
Xd6CUG2wxY212pa4k7QgyMjwuCRx8ZX4yR (Buy BTC)
29.8152 mimecoins
[S] Xp28BncqvBvmWxWwyaBVMLWXZFyvnuN2gb (Buy BTC)
30.427 mimecoins
0.01 BTC - 930.003 USD
= 30.427 MIME Details
Paid 30.9521 mimecoins @ $3,095.2 / contract (96,095.2 BTC/USD)
0.01 BTC - 930.003 USD
BTC between $93,000 and $98,000 (31.0465X leverage)
Paid out at 30.427 mimecoins
@ 96,043 BTC/USD
0.003 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 0.525 mimecoins -1.7%
Xe6DCoaedWojD8pLt1p7ePnR1k7MpbYKBG (Sell BTC)
18.3483 mimecoins
[S] Xj23BWmWGg2e93xQ7Bh4WgsRW4Vmr4Nen6 (Sell BTC)
19.5679 mimecoins
-0.00999995 BTC + 979.995 USD
= 19.5678 MIME Details
Paid 19.0478 mimecoins @ $1,904.8 / contract (96,095.2 BTC/USD)
0.00999995 BTC + 979.995 USD
BTC between $93,000 and $98,000 (50.449X leverage)
Paid out at 19.5678 mimecoins
@ 96,043 BTC/USD
0.002 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 0.5199 mimecoins +2.73%
Xe6nSnH4ZNt1t2hT8E8THpW9Mt3oWTvTYz (Buy NZD)
185.9831 mimecoins
614.6051 mimecoins
66,666.7 NZD - 38,000 USD
= 614.6051 MIME Details
Paid 885.6 mimecoins @ $0.013284 / contract (0.583284 NZD/USD)
66,666.7 NZD - 38,000 USD
NZD between $0.57 and $0.6 (43.9088X leverage)
Paid out at 614.6051 mimecoins
@ 0.57922 NZD/USD
0.0615 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 270.9948 mimecoins -30.6%
Xk6ocu64pgHDPECVVfBA2siwH2cVZDsubN (Sell NZD)
234.033 mimecoins
[S] Xy26xLo7C5kQoYRcUKqi5V4y3q4jm1f9Qa (Sell NZD)
1,385.1948 mimecoins
-66,666.7 NZD + 40,000 USD
= 1,385.1948 MIME Details
Paid 1,114.4 mimecoins @ $0.016716 / contract (0.583284 NZD/USD)
66,666.7 NZD + 40,000 USD
NZD between $0.57 and $0.6 (34.8938X leverage)
Paid out at 1,385.1948 mimecoins
@ 0.57922 NZD/USD
0.1385 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 270.7948 mimecoins +24.3%
Xb6Cw5cbAuCzPnHTR2u1TQAjGepv79AYcv (Buy BTC)
259.8828 mimecoins
[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy BTC)
1,217.0781 mimecoins
0.4 BTC - 37,200 USD
= 1,217.0782 MIME Details
Paid 1,238.0799 mimecoins @ $3,095.2 / contract (96,095.2 BTC/USD)
0.4 BTC - 37,200 USD
BTC between $93,000 and $98,000 (31.0465X leverage)
Paid out at 1,217.0782 mimecoins
@ 96,043 BTC/USD
0.1217 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 21.0017 mimecoins -1.7%
Xb6DXiAhpJp6S3buJhDLJicNbUJvoHxAVB (Sell BTC)
159.933 mimecoins
[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell BTC)
782.7218 mimecoins
-0.4 BTC + 39,200 USD
= 782.7218 MIME Details
Paid 761.9199 mimecoins @ $1,904.8 / contract (96,095.2 BTC/USD)
0.4 BTC + 39,200 USD
BTC between $93,000 and $98,000 (50.449X leverage)
Paid out at 782.7218 mimecoins
@ 96,043 BTC/USD
0.0783 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 20.8018 mimecoins +2.73%
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