Total bets:
2,050 mimecoins
2,049.79 mimecoins were paid out to the winners.
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Started: 2025-01-09 6pm UTC (10 weeks and 1 day ago)
Stopped: 2025-01-10 12am UTC (10 weeks ago)
Paid out: 2025-01-12 23:26:41 UTC
(10 weeks ago)
Blocks: 346835 ... 346948 ... 348348
0.01% fee
Bitcoin between $92,000 and $97,000
0.41 BTC issued at $5,000 per contract (2,050 mimecoins)
Initiated at: $94,497.5 (USD/BTC 0.0000105823)
Paid out at: $94,117.6 (USD/BTC 0.0000106250)
BTC down
Sell BTC $2,502.49 37.76x
Transactions (2)
Xg7JQ51hzKpSgcEidhMsVhPVMWSRGg5yAH (Buy BTC)
11.5121 mimecoins
[S] Xp28BncqvBvmWxWwyaBVMLWXZFyvnuN2gb (Buy BTC)
21.1739 mimecoins
0.01 BTC - 920.004 USD
= 21.1739 MIME Details
Paid 24.9751 mimecoins @ $2,497.5 / contract (94,497.5 BTC/USD)
0.01 BTC - 920.004 USD
BTC between $92,000 and $97,000 (37.8368X leverage)
Paid out at 21.1739 mimecoins
@ 94,117.6 BTC/USD
0.0021 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 3.8011 mimecoins -15.22%
Xy7KC9kMTfD2yGrjBsxYgpLhWi5UtyL5B5 (Sell BTC)
11.5351 mimecoins
[S] Xj23BWmWGg2e93xQ7Bh4WgsRW4Vmr4Nen6 (Sell BTC)
28.821 mimecoins
-0.00999996 BTC + 969.996 USD
= 28.8209 MIME Details
Paid 25.0248 mimecoins @ $2,502.5 / contract (94,497.5 BTC/USD)
0.00999996 BTC + 969.996 USD
BTC between $92,000 and $97,000 (37.7612X leverage)
Paid out at 28.8209 mimecoins
@ 94,117.6 BTC/USD
0.0029 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 3.796 mimecoins +15.17%
Xu6UqUDgxx3xfEckvSwPA4SYgrXZYnQdyF (Buy GBP)
311.37 mimecoins
[S] Xy2aL4a8REfWYGgbWMZWdJ41PMKTrqWmiJ (Buy GBP)
1,511.6487 mimecoins
20,000 GBP - 24,000 USD
= 1,511.6487 MIME Details
Paid 1,489.7999 mimecoins @ $0.07449 / contract (1.27449 GBP/USD)
20,000 GBP - 24,000 USD
GBP between $1.2 and $1.3 (17.1095X leverage)
Paid out at 1,511.6487 mimecoins
@ 1.27559 GBP/USD
0.1512 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 21.8487 mimecoins +1.47%
Xi6V2wphHho937brdBNQMmPNQqzU1ryrpg (Sell GBP)
106.6324 mimecoins
[S] Xy2opurvnthh73skUd8SBcJvr49F8t7xR1 (Sell GBP)
488.1512 mimecoins
-20,000 GBP + 26,000 USD
= 488.1512 MIME Details
Paid 510.2 mimecoins @ $0.02551 / contract (1.27449 GBP/USD)
20,000 GBP + 26,000 USD
GBP between $1.2 and $1.3 (49.9604X leverage)
Paid out at 488.1512 mimecoins
@ 1.27559 GBP/USD
0.0488 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 22.0487 mimecoins -4.32%
Xc7J6rmJEoSYnsCrqCwddZZTo1KfGZugXv (Buy BTC)
208.6921 mimecoins
[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy BTC)
846.9552 mimecoins
0.4 BTC - 36,800 USD
= 846.9552 MIME Details
Paid 999 mimecoins @ $2,497.5 / contract (94,497.5 BTC/USD)
0.4 BTC - 36,800 USD
BTC between $92,000 and $97,000 (37.8368X leverage)
Paid out at 846.9552 mimecoins
@ 94,117.6 BTC/USD
0.0847 mimecoins in fees
Net loss of 152.0447 mimecoins -15.22%
Xk7KshHehUqgimi8tiQsm6jHPLT3VPrzzZ (Sell BTC)
209.11 mimecoins
[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell BTC)
1,152.8448 mimecoins
-0.4 BTC + 38,800 USD
= 1,152.8448 MIME Details
Paid 1,001 mimecoins @ $2,502.5 / contract (94,497.5 BTC/USD)
0.4 BTC + 38,800 USD
BTC between $92,000 and $97,000 (37.7612X leverage)
Paid out at 1,152.8448 mimecoins
@ 94,117.6 BTC/USD
0.1153 mimecoins in fees
Net gain of 151.8448 mimecoins +15.17%
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