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Forex 32 block #331122
Block hash: 2706c6fb12818b3664aa0c62a42d7542c6da84c266a42032ccb11380d80fddf6
Mined at 2024-12-06 23:36:28 UTC (15 weeks ago)
This block contains 2 transactions totaling 2,699.19 mimecoins.
PolyCash took 0.04 seconds to load this game block at 2024-12-09 21:01:09 UTC (15 weeks ago).

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This block is referenced in 32 events
United Arab Emirates dirham between $0.26 and $0.28
Australian dollar between $0.62 and $0.66
Brazilian real between $0.16 and $0.17
Bitcoin between $96,000 and $100k
Canadian dollar between $0.69 and $0.73
Swiss franc between $1.1 and $1.2
Chilean peso between $0.001 and $0.0011
Renminbi between $0.13 and $0.145
Czech koruna between $0.041 and $0.044
Danish krone between $0.135 and $0.145
Euro between $1 and $1.1
Pound sterling between $1.25 and $1.35
Hong Kong dollar between $0.125 and $0.135
Hungarian forint between $0.0025 and $0.0027
Indonesian rupiah between $0.000061 and $0.000065
Israeli new shekel between $0.27 and $0.29
Indian rupee between $0.0115 and $0.0125
Japanese yen between $0.0065 and $0.0068
South Korean won between $0.00068 and $0.00072
Mexican peso between $0.048 and $0.051
New Zealand dollar between $0.57 and $0.6
Norwegian krone between $0.088 and $0.093
Polish zloty between $0.24 and $0.26
Saudi riyal between $0.26 and $0.28
Swedish krona between $0.09 and $0.094
Singapore dollar between $0.73 and $0.77
Thai baht between $0.028 and $0.03
Turkish lira between $0.028 and $0.03
New Taiwan dollar between $0.03 and $0.032
Troy ounce of gold between $2,500 and $2,700
Troy ounce of silver between $30 and $32
South African rand between $0.054 and $0.057

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#1 in block #331122, 3 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 5fdba08793af4e43a7ce1c0ebb195fb8580991f3486329c094f30f5dd94a806b

Xx76xMCCgZ6XNhQgdzLKfaMfsBP9Kpgx1s (Buy XAU)
216.4909 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xs2WdgegqYdtzA5dBuXV1iTytEueNMKkvC (Sell JPY)
35.7814 mimecoins   Spent
-250k JPY + 1,675 USD = 35.7813 MIME   Details

Xg7JQ51hzKpSgcEidhMsVhPVMWSRGg5yAH (Buy BTC)
176.1137 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xp28BncqvBvmWxWwyaBVMLWXZFyvnuN2gb (Buy BTC)
17.7282 mimecoins   Unspent
0.0125 BTC - 1,200 USD = 17.7282 MIME   Details

Xy7KC9kMTfD2yGrjBsxYgpLhWi5UtyL5B5 (Sell BTC)
26.1585 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xj23BWmWGg2e93xQ7Bh4WgsRW4Vmr4Nen6 (Sell BTC)
32.266 mimecoins   Unspent
-0.0124997 BTC + 1,249.97 USD = 32.266 MIME   Details

#2 in block #331122, 5 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: be55bcd4f6c5f68edf47217692c070ab0cff7e596083ad02e8210e58aa988f1e

Xt6gpcUFEDrhJdHvH9M8sK3vdbMu5ryGxy (Buy JPY)
178.3718 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xs2DmcPjjj4sztRaPMNj3hJr8mQAHJUDQV (Buy JPY)
1,077.3587 mimecoins   Spent
6.66667M JPY - 42,000 USD = 1,077.3589 MIME   Details

Xd6h44rWbZ8bZB6qjZXZeqrJFaWnZ5E2e5 (Sell JPY)
268.7501 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2GwJAXtzGdYWuZXoY53wktknSrScUfmN (Sell JPY)
922.4411 mimecoins   Spent
-6.66667M JPY + 44,000 USD = 922.4409 MIME   Details

Xc7J6rmJEoSYnsCrqCwddZZTo1KfGZugXv (Buy BTC)
389.1234 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2hDHVPcL9HVhaBBZerrFboNtc2aKRXTH (Buy BTC)
709.1289 mimecoins   Spent
0.5 BTC - 48,000 USD = 709.129 MIME   Details

Xk7KshHehUqgimi8tiQsm6jHPLT3VPrzzZ (Sell BTC)
57.7981 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw292ZQXDduh6Snj5v1rRxtY4JhvD8ToSy (Sell BTC)
1,290.6716 mimecoins   Spent
-0.5 BTC + 50,000 USD = 1,290.6715 MIME   Details

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