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Datachain Transaction: fef3506cf303b2c110d044f0290e337b33fd7ca6a3708b8707e462f1a5f31c6f
This transaction has 3 inputs and 9 outputs totalling 0.0407356 datacoins.
638.09 mimecoins in, 578.05 mimecoins out (60.03 mimecoins destroyed).
This transaction realizes 0 mimecoins of unrealized gains.
Loaded in 0.00 seconds.
#5 in block #274317, 3 inputs, 9 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: fef3506cf303b2c110d044f0290e337b33fd7ca6a3708b8707e462f1a5f31c6f

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy INR)
11.6 mimecoins   Spent
19,996.4 INR - 229.959   Details

Xy6X2tqmHuowc52wfEjAVhKsmUxArBuQmg (Sell INR)
626.49 mimecoins   Spent

Xu6W7pkUo2pMAAYGNhTehi4FqcEKKe3gFE (Buy NGN)
169.76 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
15.04 mimecoins   Unspent
1.33333M NGN - 853.333   Details

Xy6X2tqmHuowc52wfEjAVhKsmUxArBuQmg (Sell NGN)
215.62 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
24.95 mimecoins   Unspent
-1.33333M NGN + 893.333   Details

Xt6edrtCVPZaviPP5t2ZcEUx4cgbMJYNf4 (Buy NZD)
77.88 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
6.2 mimecoins   Unspent
666.337 NZD - 399.802   Details

114.8 mimecoins   Unspent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
13.78 mimecoins   Unspent
-666.331 NZD + 419.789   Details