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Datachain Transaction: 36736ec4c4ccd8952b1e3ca93f9271d7982a8d0940e1ec84191e82c845b86eba
This transaction has 9 inputs and 9 outputs totalling 30.2501 datacoins.
12,038.41 mimecoins in, 2,038.38 mimecoins out (10,000.03 mimecoins destroyed).
This transaction realizes 0 mimecoins of unrealized gains.
Loaded in 0.00 seconds.
#15 in block #273476, 9 inputs, 9 outputs, 0.001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 36736ec4c4ccd8952b1e3ca93f9271d7982a8d0940e1ec84191e82c845b86eba

XyENrDBrzMKFa9yu3MDenrgZcLDA33XRtE (Buy YER)
487.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy YER)
2,379.74 mimecoins   Spent
25M YER - 97,500   Details

XqEPAnH3yyynRoqzQbhHBcGv4swCzNr2Cw (Sell YER)
553.82 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell YER)
2,620.25 mimecoins   Spent
-25M YER + 102.5k   Details

XoEQUjjuMcfNSRs7a4DPpCjBuacMMg7M2w (Buy ZAR)
629.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy ZAR)
4,077.7 mimecoins   Spent
1.6404M ZAR - 85,300.9   Details

XxERnqJ3u5xF7pxQK5QGJhPdqARQVP5s1i (Sell ZAR)
411.76 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell ZAR)
878.49 mimecoins   Spent
-1.70848M ZAR + 93,966.3   Details

Xi6iDhSpNr9xuJe9TJgkbcrMJL9Fg5jysR (Buy YER)
481.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy YER)
2,360 mimecoins   Spent
25M YER - 97,500   Details

Xh6jbbmYuspaRK8zfuvr3SDEyQVQAmnN3Y (Sell YER)
538.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell YER)
2,640 mimecoins   Spent
-25M YER + 102.5k   Details

Xf6kcmXqKBYqpEprqq1eUqTDpfmrq5wD5Y (Buy ZAR)
429.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy ZAR)
2,740.16 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666M ZAR - 89,999.8   Details

Xs6mvJhjR3WhBgkqWtC5HmbmvVEccwShUd (Sell ZAR)
589.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell ZAR)
2,259.83 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666M ZAR + 94,999.8   Details