Play Now
Nigerian naira between $0.00063 and $0.00067
Total bets:
5,055.1 mimecoins
5,055.08 mimecoins were paid out to the winners.

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Started: 2024-06-26 6am UTC (11 weeks and 5 days ago)
Stopped: 2024-06-26 9am UTC (11 weeks and 5 days ago)
Paid out: 2024-06-29 08:03:27 UTC (11 weeks and 2 days ago)
Blocks: 274393 ... 274408 ... 274742

Nigerian naira between $0.00063 and $0.00067

126.378M NGN issued at $0.00004 per contract (5,055.1 mimecoins)

Initiated at:   $0.000651088   (USD/NGN 1,535.89)
Paid out at:   $0.00065129   (USD/NGN 1,535.42)
NGN up 0.03056%
Buy NGN   $0.000021088   30.87x
Sell NGN   $0.0000189119   34.43x

Transactions (2)

#5 in block #274399, 3 inputs, 9 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 155eaacb6c409571c6eb892258945fb65670643192e72942f1644d246c3ff3c2

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy AUD)
15.48 mimecoins   Spent
501.539 AUD - 315.969   Details

XmDuw3LjxfWa5Kni9zE36Acy9uiZf8FGz7 (Sell AUD)
1,256.89 mimecoins   Spent

Xt78zFho1bjxDChyWzuJdg5CTRuqr1Fyb8 (Buy NGN)
213.05 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
10.63 mimecoins   Spent
499.81k NGN - 314.88   Details

Xu79yS9BNDV5sJU7KUo9quNQEcvE5cfv5v (Sell NGN)
191.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
9.35 mimecoins   Spent
-499.683k NGN + 334.788   Details

Xf7GTmEh44r8xBGctKbL7VtRBLKDEqsuNa (Buy NZD)
430.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
19.06 mimecoins   Spent
1,000.05 NZD - 590.028   Details

Xe7HNJyWJ6jaXaBg5kJTq5QBcWyGdqrNKZ (Sell NZD)
377.27 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
20.93 mimecoins   Spent
-999.946 NZD + 629.966   Details

#11 in block #274399, 65 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00100004 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 2599a8c5cc3fff6fa2121f8090bbc24a50a1dbcca10c8c6d199648327606471a

Xj9godn58gfhsY19UeFmpVsWgDVNkX1U6J (Buy INR)
489.97 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy INR)
2,335 mimecoins   Spent
5.0086M INR - 57,598.9   Details

Xj9hLaqgN1yPsuwdzGSKmGSrLKYCvk2Kne (Sell INR)
543.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell INR)
2,673.59 mimecoins   Spent
-5.0086M INR + 62,607.5   Details

Xh9AehUG31s1BdtfnMZvwKNre9P8jVbuoF (Buy ETB)
620.35 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy ETB)
2,992.89 mimecoins   Spent
3.3579M ETB - 55,405.4   Details

Xk9B3UXReNv9zb5WHxW2f2XMewfY3P1JyW (Sell ETB)
502.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell ETB)
2,043.96 mimecoins   Spent
-3.3579M ETB + 60,442.2   Details

Xh9CeCC8jyxrp8xZ7SsdpS3JCuLeJCVXPt (Buy EUR)
530.35 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy EUR)
1,936.15 mimecoins   Spent
100.737k EUR - 105.774k   Details

592.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell EUR)
3,100.69 mimecoins   Spent
-100.737k EUR + 110.811k   Details

Xh9EdPkGUd6meRwD3CLhKePjM86ggtpwix (Buy FJD)
594.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy FJD)
2,130.41 mimecoins   Spent
167.895k FJD - 72,194.8   Details

Xr9FS6TXMzqRn7M9YcTgQExTSvg7qBpbg4 (Sell FJD)
528.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell FJD)
2,906.44 mimecoins   Spent
-167.895k FJD + 77,231.7   Details

Xd9GvxgzZSvLw7rLiutubmBcK9M8rTBwpW (Buy GBP)
795.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy GBP)
3,240.19 mimecoins   Spent
50,368.4 GBP - 60,442.1   Details

Xg9HJH85McN96mrRXk8h5DkXn9w4dQS5wa (Sell GBP)
327.28 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell GBP)
1,796.65 mimecoins   Spent
-50,368.7 GBP + 65,479.3   Details

Xx9JMPwvWaXdgNBjDeAiztS3kxdt78pGTt (Buy GEL)
436.45 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy GEL)
1,509.54 mimecoins   Spent
251.843k GEL - 88,144.9   Details

Xc9KiiryZzgLeTexSbiNFqwLwaQaPhXzJV (Sell GEL)
686.69 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell GEL)
3,527.31 mimecoins   Spent
-251.843k GEL + 93,181.7   Details

Xk9LmDSbqxHQZBq6V74WPx5p9ndp5Zjt3H (Buy GHS)
563.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy GHS)
2,252.98 mimecoins   Spent
1.25921M GHS - 80,589.6   Details

Xf9MTXrBqw7PnerG32bRRUAhRJ9qfz3PoQ (Sell GHS)
559.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell GHS)
2,783.87 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25921M GHS + 85,626.4   Details

Xm9NqRGwUnxMWHwwkqJUT7T65GfWj23nd2 (Buy GMD)
569.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy GMD)
2,552.33 mimecoins   Spent
3.3579M GMD - 47,010.6   Details

Xt9PFJf8gHQ6RY2wLe7LSHZK6ghdvpKLk1 (Sell GMD)
554.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell GMD)
2,484.52 mimecoins   Spent
-3.3579M GMD + 52,047.5   Details

Xi9QWZ6coeemCnfgH3pyK7R4uTAeZpe16m (Buy GNF)
688.04 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy GNF)
3,162.64 mimecoins   Spent
503.686M GNF - 55,405.5   Details

Xg9Rog8Z9fjMgcne2GBofFbUvSZVEf3FGX (Sell GNF)
435.1 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell GNF)
1,874.22 mimecoins   Spent
-503.686M GNF + 60,442.3   Details

Xg9SQpxhX86w2eUm8bqSaERc2mpWvDL8uZ (Buy GTQ)
429.15 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy GTQ)
1,962.35 mimecoins   Spent
503.685k GTQ - 62,960.6   Details

Xc9TsW1pdrkaxtGv7c6tgKvvvCW6hPNyv6 (Sell GTQ)
693.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell GTQ)
3,074.5 mimecoins   Spent
-503.685k GTQ + 67,997.5   Details

Xy9U8mzxded9jLQ3DCUrs3LxzjNfJEYvbk (Buy HKD)
350.75 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy HKD)
1,560.91 mimecoins   Spent
503.685k HKD - 62,960.6   Details

Xy9VxErReKUGjkYTdCQyretPH3zoqtCmvC (Sell HKD)
772.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell HKD)
3,475.94 mimecoins   Spent
-503.685k HKD + 67,997.5   Details

Xu9W7mshYsBC2fPzxwcG6hLWt76J58rd8n (Buy HNL)
534.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy HNL)
2,408.95 mimecoins   Spent
1.67895M HNL - 65,479   Details

Xc9X25V9PveZxEz9bF32VSe7KNFx2B3ghY (Sell HNL)
588.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell HNL)
2,627.9 mimecoins   Spent
-1.67895M HNL + 70,515.9   Details

Xt9YpXv9AiRfmfUwFtk7WBVVzJnzvYz3Ku (Buy HTG)
678.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy HTG)
3,097.03 mimecoins   Spent
12.5921M HTG - 91,922.5   Details

Xw9ZAXFtLUJ1qZCieLwwFeuBMZpi9PvFC5 (Sell HTG)
444.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell HTG)
1,939.82 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5921M HTG + 96,959.4   Details

Xn9aYBk8jrzJ3wLCrewwhZM7ph49vbfs6F (Buy HUF)
623.17 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy HUF)
2,430.78 mimecoins   Spent
25.1843M HUF - 65,479.1   Details

Xk9b4dcUscF3qc1fNkEX7zWgzfNuKTZ6cZ (Sell HUF)
499.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell HUF)
2,606.07 mimecoins   Spent
-25.1843M HUF + 70,515.9   Details

Xp9cUXt25XYHFue3yHDeCERpioYW3EWGHx (Buy IDR)
533.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy IDR)
2,140.91 mimecoins   Spent
1.25921B IDR - 74,293.5   Details

Xb9dDsbtA5bM8avYRv2xWLJuao1Ebch29V (Sell IDR)
589.28 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell IDR)
2,895.93 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25921B IDR + 79,330.4   Details

Xy9eKXNttMN3PDMyrJAm1kHt1UN4LaxWU2 (Buy ILS)
526.47 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy ILS)
1,538.75 mimecoins   Spent
251.843k ILS - 65,479   Details

Xv9fkeM8Ndy5iE9E1Ekj1fDDYGgpGU2nSK (Sell ILS)
596.67 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell ILS)
3,498.1 mimecoins   Spent
-251.843k ILS + 70,515.9   Details

Xb784KHiQuGdMe8o8Dp6MskhfHSuX5axZe (Buy NGN)
589.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy NGN)
2,679.55 mimecoins   Spent
125.878M NGN - 79,302.9   Details

Xv79k4GhZUSjphvh8J1ocqaefQ7W6Sngki (Sell NGN)
528.34 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell NGN)
2,355.55 mimecoins   Spent
-125.878M NGN + 84,338.1   Details

Xk7AVLjFh2NwUyGdE5kUjVELCtfNvpB8Tq (Buy NIO)
636.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy NIO)
2,934.45 mimecoins   Spent
2.51755M NIO - 65,456.3   Details

Xn7BD5whFvBRG8vMaqyo9GUtWLyR9jFufw (Sell NIO)
481.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell NIO)
2,100.65 mimecoins   Spent
-2.51755M NIO + 70,491.4   Details

Xx7C7hpkAsfZn4aJPF5dQ9P5Jw1Fv27dkm (Buy NOK)
503.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy NOK)
1,638.52 mimecoins   Spent
1.00702M NOK - 92,645.8   Details

Xc7DqtJt833dp6iftWBqz1LAXRpbe1aK7h (Sell NOK)
613.85 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell NOK)
3,396.58 mimecoins   Spent
-1.00702M NOK + 97,680.9   Details

Xg7Ep7namiCD5MJvxMj7CUqgq2TfbgP1op (Buy NPR)
510.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy NPR)
2,521.45 mimecoins   Spent
12.5878M NPR - 91,890.6   Details

Xp7F6k4A7TMG1qGYuxyhx7Lit8sgWVRS7o (Sell NPR)
606.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell NPR)
2,513.65 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5878M NPR + 96,925.7   Details

Xk7GEmRFvZk1RUw3xPFtDWXEg363LYjWjX (Buy NZD)
595.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy NZD)
2,399.84 mimecoins   Spent
125.877k NZD - 74,267.7   Details

Xm7HcVLoA7QxgGN1ry9FeCnmKny34tq58W (Sell NZD)
521.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell NZD)
2,635.25 mimecoins   Spent
-125.878k NZD + 79,302.9   Details

Xj7JpsjXZ3k6pw3wowrKPpGH4XT9v1kaxs (Buy OMR)
547.22 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy OMR)
2,447.05 mimecoins   Spent
25,175.5 OMR - 62,938.7   Details

Xj7KS1iFU5bAmfQ3yfUXYyeHQDGVv2RYdW (Sell OMR)
570.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell OMR)
2,588.05 mimecoins   Spent
-25,175.5 OMR + 67,973.8   Details

Xu7L2spJnpMcHXsjp8ztqPmZ2DthjiBxLr (Buy PAB)
402.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy PAB)
1,881.87 mimecoins   Spent
62,938.9 PAB - 61,050.7   Details

714.75 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell PAB)
3,153.24 mimecoins   Spent
-62,938.9 PAB + 66,085.8   Details

Xi7NNf316KELxvda699a4MnJSELr75Pzxq (Buy PEN)
674.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy PEN)
2,869.76 mimecoins   Spent
251.756k PEN - 62,938.9   Details

Xi7PzT4ZVH4hoLAX1mFvLhsXmTfUjZxE5h (Sell PEN)
443.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell PEN)
2,165.35 mimecoins   Spent
-251.756k PEN + 67,974   Details

Xh7Qqgmt8WAvZNbU59fjZce59N685N4Cnb (Buy PGK)
335.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy PGK)
2,480.79 mimecoins   Spent
251.755k PGK - 62,938.7   Details

Xs7REpZ8cBwyviGedsDVbq9G2DY5nq9Tdg (Sell PGK)
781.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell PGK)
2,554.31 mimecoins   Spent
-251.755k PGK + 67,973.8   Details

Xe7SFvTnb2Fg3XPticZx7mHKGqfQhjN4xs (Buy PHP)
540.41 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy PHP)
3,110.18 mimecoins   Spent
5.03511M PHP - 83,079.3   Details

Xx7TmewvsCSwMyKsfeM2QF5TeAHPEG3Sxt (Sell PHP)
577.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell PHP)
1,924.93 mimecoins   Spent
-5.03511M PHP + 88,114.4   Details

484.37 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy PKR)
2,344.59 mimecoins   Spent
25.1755M PKR - 88,114.3   Details

Xw7VC1c3rA5Zvc7qVeg5PUSLpUCLrb5vxc (Sell PKR)
633.1 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell PKR)
2,690.51 mimecoins   Spent
-25.1755M PKR + 93,149.4   Details

Xd7W3iKSBtk768VbLGWJ3J2Pt7EAMGfVcy (Buy PLN)
478.11 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy PLN)
2,131.36 mimecoins   Spent
251.756k PLN - 60,421.3   Details

Xt7XnPZVQQ4Lm5uQn3Riz871vBahnCLRZy (Sell PLN)
639.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell PLN)
2,903.75 mimecoins   Spent
-251.756k PLN + 65,456.4   Details

Xs7Yj8WkU5ns3kGqEQSg7qRsc95STuaBkM (Buy PYG)
555.16 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy PYG)
2,550.78 mimecoins   Spent
335.673M PYG - 41,959.2   Details

Xh7ZaGd1f333PCBs4FXQpEFhTNdAMtNmVt (Sell PYG)
562.31 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell PYG)
2,484.32 mimecoins   Spent
-335.673M PYG + 46,994.3   Details

Xo7aWGRRChpGhLTTtsL4FG3nHP2m2n2ovq (Buy QAR)
776.08 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy QAR)
3,562.83 mimecoins   Spent
251.755k QAR - 65,456.3   Details

Xs7bh58HxQZ7cLv32djftM3ZNjKb2xMKqZ (Sell QAR)
341.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell QAR)
1,472.27 mimecoins   Spent
-251.755k QAR + 70,491.4   Details

Xh7cA4psWub3XtwipeSY91Ti6XgUkLBHa8 (Buy RON)
548.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy RON)
2,687.23 mimecoins   Spent
503.511k RON - 105.737k   Details

Xb7dSnE2NkoVu94RFAW9yBk3UnjbropV9n (Sell RON)
568.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell RON)
2,347.88 mimecoins   Spent
-503.511k RON + 110.772k   Details

Xx7er4TPpTZMkWXUNfnzwSb53EVeHANDZq (Buy RSD)
524.69 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy RSD)
2,578.27 mimecoins   Spent
10.0702M RSD - 89,624.8   Details

Xx7fGZAoPMFidjHfWJzuv5oEphzsfGUqkd (Sell RSD)
592.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell RSD)
2,456.83 mimecoins   Spent
-10.0702M RSD + 94,659.9   Details

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