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Betcoin block #79390
Block hash: 0467e4b1f411c8949eec2fffa1509c324123279b5b53340b2b6be604bdf6a349
Mined at 2022-07-08 22:06:19 UTC (93 weeks and 5 days ago)
This block contains 12 transactions totaling 272.417 betcoins.
PolyCash took 0.12 seconds to load this block.

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This block is referenced in 8 events
Nigeria vs DR Congo
Bangladesh vs Iran
Russia vs Turkey
Mexico vs Germany
Japan vs France
Ethiopia vs United Kingdom
Philippines vs Thailand
Egypt vs South Africa

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#4 in block #79390, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 499ae876b661faa81ca82e4b6fe1e7292f044aecbd34500bd501ba0c32c6ed50
#5 in block #79390, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 0c5375aab4d97b42b950d772731cca8d2ef4149ad805e8dbc6cacb86c73b5261
#6 in block #79390, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.00010001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 1ee2399897ce8634f9737213a86b661db7e053d0b0c0fff84772d9d0c8f7d3ad
#10 in block #79390, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: d4ef1d2d79f224e9fda35fb5422bed16a84eef59ebfd908ba18a1b6f32989ee3
#11 in block #79390, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: f149a35e25ef8015421c5456cfbf0748739f07724da6bb9897f519bd4d48eef7

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