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Betcoin block #194172
Block hash: b731de41f79306a657463a97179e8eddb5f0b9eb1dca289fcc60dd1c97f34164
Mined at 2023-05-23 06:29:02 UTC (67 weeks and 4 days ago)
This block contains 2 transactions totaling 3.38209 betcoins.
PolyCash took 0.03 seconds to load this game block at 2024-02-05 01:31:42 UTC (30 weeks and 5 days ago).

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This block is referenced in 8 events
Ethiopia vs Tanzania
Philippines vs Italy
Egypt vs Myanmar
Vietnam vs South Korea
DR Congo vs Colombia
Iran vs Kenya
Turkey vs Spain
Germany vs Argentina

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#1 in block #194172, 4 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: f3065fd25fb46a1d43461d6729fd550e30c508d19c62fbe31dff1dae4bad9096

Xq7dHttbrtSUJLueTUVyzeeaHkFLVuGLGC (South Africa)
3.317 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xe2twc6Kv9nnBgVm9TZoDnxtHF59kWCVCv (France)
0.0355 betcoins   Spent
0.0201 betcoins    x1.770   +0.0355789

[S] Xe2twc6Kv9nnBgVm9TZoDnxtHF59kWCVCv (Russia)
0.0296 betcoins   Spent
0.02 betcoins    x1.480   +0.0296013

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