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Betcoin block #176694
Block hash: 83efb176b6578fa9ed470b504ec63d8964b5fe1b0f3bda50214491f9b12e4790
Mined at 2023-04-07 23:35:33 UTC (75 weeks and 2 days ago)
This block contains 3 transactions totaling 52,193 betcoins.
PolyCash took 0.06 seconds to load this game block at 2024-02-05 01:16:51 UTC (32 weeks ago).

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This block is referenced in 8 events
Nigeria vs Russia
Bangladesh vs Mexico
Russia vs Japan
Mexico vs Ethiopia
Japan vs Philippines
Ethiopia vs Egypt
Philippines vs Vietnam
Egypt vs DR Congo

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#1 in block #176694, 4 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: a706cfd9b3d859d06b3deea992d42eda02e3b1df620cff51299f963ac38f3a4e

Xg7gSK19hUmAZgRF3wf4N8y4GNDMgN1uAp (Brazil)
42,118.8975 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xy25SN56EuqsCYzox48smPWEwukTgB19nK (United States)
320.6431 betcoins   Spent
255.0957 betcoins    x1.257   +320.643

[S] Xy25SN56EuqsCYzox48smPWEwukTgB19nK (Indonesia)
0 betcoins   Spent
253.5906 betcoins    x1.542   +390.925

#2 in block #176694, 4 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 33d5e89858e142cac0583c9cbe809ec46d65f59855acaed167b8349833e813f7

Xm7hLA8o3Pp2wiMyBDJ6r5nJGsjtKuVtvG (Bangladesh)
9,586.7595 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xv2EmL2EigifWMUgQxbwjdwYEUhQ3Cv23o (Pakistan)
0 betcoins   Spent
58.9162 betcoins    x4.892   +288.204

[S] Xv2EmL2EigifWMUgQxbwjdwYEUhQ3Cv23o (Brazil)
166.7162 betcoins   Spent
58.5685 betcoins    x2.847   +166.716

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