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Betcoin block #117220
Block hash: a97889871d257f8d15b1955c81072e2f141f45d9a967d7217fc7aca64dc9c5b9
Mined at 2022-10-23 20:42:26 UTC (79 weeks and 1 day ago)
This block contains 14 transactions totaling 3,548.6 betcoins.
PolyCash took 0.32 seconds to load this block.

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This block is referenced in 8 events
Japan vs Philippines
Ethiopia vs Egypt
Philippines vs Vietnam
Egypt vs DR Congo
Vietnam vs Iran
DR Congo vs Turkey
Iran vs Germany
Turkey vs France

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#3 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: ddcbd8521af2d1514691330a26635fa13062893a21869033b6cc7ead9e2719f9
#4 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 3cd560d43bb597e8a87d4501d7a7d09b685a1a246ba2e5b1789724e4aa41308f
#5 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: d14eb0b6dfa54df855d58d0f6365ee2cea76a23c025546d53564cb2e4b774024
#8 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: f59494a3047e62c1fd59980de6532541a81c4235abf452c1c37dde3ada59d36b
#10 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 79872acec5f714f8e758f94687c08fea8d08557d1c9691285ad8af2af47b9b75
#11 in block #117220, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 49a64a6b1c7ec6c8ff7ca4d046a43939946023860339aa7226b63ceac7b8e2b3

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