Datachain block #242747
Block hash: 8dc0e0c9ff2ed511263136625d240e4a863f120b5356391d03f18a422c218f4e
Mined at 2023-10-13 04:37:47 UTC (37 weeks and 5 days ago)
This block contains 3 transactions totaling 110.213k datacoins.
PolyCash took 0.05 seconds to load this block.

See block #242747 on Betcoin
See block #242747 on Forex 128

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#1 in block #242747, 1 input, 21 outputs, 32,329.9 datacoins, 0.0001 tx fee.
TX: 4aa09f6539fdb3a65e7184d7c287b263fdfaf5be2e54a8b7cf7b88559b6ef535
#2 in block #242747, 1 input, 23 outputs, 77,833.5 datacoins, 0.0001 tx fee.
TX: 79883282fd01f1e287965b57a62c17ac261e6ca5eff23ca51803a346653fd207

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