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UTXO #856814: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9
Amount:    12.15 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #274382 (round #3389) and spent on block #281611 (round #4112)
#2 in block #274382, 3 inputs, 17 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: cc1eb1b3a4dafda8027693167127774f426c1cf5e8dba501fe248c66ff4b9e1a

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell INR)
8.1 mimecoins   Spent
-19,986.3 INR + 249.829   Details

XbB82DhBpBxhpinx6uurenR2SJh7MkwcYM (Buy JPY)
2,981.01 mimecoins   Spent

Xy9AUP8y3rEgMKLHBqTT1HrNGY7ZmW6whc (Buy BTC)
138.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy BTC)
7.84 mimecoins   Spent
0.00499648 BTC - 299.789   Details

140.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell BTC)
12.15 mimecoins   Spent
-0.0049985 BTC + 319.904   Details

Xd9GGkchSAbYQzqbGeiKcWc4zpXLgs8g5K (Buy CAD)
620.31 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy CAD)
42.06 mimecoins   Spent
1,999.91 CAD - 1,419.94   Details

Xx9HCt9JqkibZTsiD6UHz3Y37JRchThe5z (Sell CAD)
495.32 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell CAD)
37.92 mimecoins   Spent
-2,000.11 CAD + 1,500.08   Details

Xx9JG8dKe5ukVyCpxfyE7phx2j9epvHmVo (Buy CHF)
375.52 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy CHF)
25.07 mimecoins   Spent
399.881 CHF - 419.875   Details

Xm9KmsNjfXeK8irs8ypbTwjdJk3USrJCSX (Sell CHF)
182.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Sell CHF)
14.91 mimecoins   Spent
-399.939 CHF + 459.93   Details

Xt9N4PLPjWxyd9rr2AhaD8rJFEiV8ajJbX (Buy CNY)
425.42 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2agFbv9qfeZMhx93fRvo6LdFeaoCe2oo (Buy CNY)
30.39 mimecoins   Spent
3,998.95 CNY - 519.864   Details

Xe9PquijYKVYRpsKdVrpEjufkNZBEZxaBo (Sell CNY)
411.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xk2ftpCLsxtxupKpkbr74VKAxdF9vHxunA (Sell CNY)
29.59 mimecoins   Spent
-3,999.73 CNY + 579.96   Details

#82 in block #281611, 50 inputs, 1 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: a8c3d83a5d6fa060803c4568fef219a1ddfcfe65e1f2f2aa76aab3caf2dadf70

XwAE3dt2md16WJoaHGKMbQ2qQMWjV4bo5D (Buy INR)
417.2 mimecoins   Spent

Xu6voN3UTHPSwrMkok5zXMBjDkDW6jukjF (Buy NGN)
189.53 mimecoins   Spent

Xe9kEuS4ZJvAtweJtxKYSqFgEbJMqT361K (Buy EUR)
357.39 mimecoins   Spent

Xy9AUP8y3rEgMKLHBqTT1HrNGY7ZmW6whc (Buy BTC)
138.29 mimecoins   Spent

457.6 mimecoins   Spent

Xb8nHiprVi83sy91Vy6Z6cvr8ThM6DtE28 (Buy AUD)
719.12 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
10.63 mimecoins   Spent
499.81k NGN - 314.881   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy EUR)
15.25 mimecoins   Spent
213.994 EUR - 213.994   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy BTC)
7.84 mimecoins   Spent
0.00499648 BTC - 299.789   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy AUD)
11.31 mimecoins   Spent
666.982 AUD - 433.538   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy XAG)
22.24 mimecoins   Spent
19.4819 XAG - 545.493   Details

140.61 mimecoins   Spent

Xv9m4Hp4q1Bej3kq6rTaHNdpG57fG2WuDJ (Sell EUR)
112.67 mimecoins   Spent

Xk8oZACo7hB4Tb2EJYAWt7yu8zbK1HKfqE (Sell AUD)
559.8 mimecoins   Spent

Xg6wksRGtu5BoNaqzhRBwyogNWwESe17Qo (Sell NGN)
169.97 mimecoins   Spent

621.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
9.35 mimecoins   Spent
-499.683k NGN + 334.787   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell XAG)
17.51 mimecoins   Spent
-20.3998 XAG + 611.993   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell EUR)
4.74 mimecoins   Spent
-165.344 EUR + 181.878   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell BTC)
12.15 mimecoins   Spent
-0.0049985 BTC + 319.904   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell AUD)
8.68 mimecoins   Spent
-666.262 AUD + 453.058   Details

Xb8NCih9qZiQt7qhy36dker2bm5H2ozBWW (Buy XAU)
324.09 mimecoins   Spent

Xd9GGkchSAbYQzqbGeiKcWc4zpXLgs8g5K (Buy CAD)
620.31 mimecoins   Spent

Xf74n7yA1DdSAc5VJouvuPPCCaJYnJ7jqX (Buy NZD)
391.66 mimecoins   Spent

Xc9p5uobqftFrSJ5X6vtwoyxLPbBywAzPF (Buy GBP)
940.12 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
19.12 mimecoins   Spent
1,003.06 NZD - 591.804   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy XAU)
12.55 mimecoins   Spent
0.100008 XAU - 220.018   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy GBP)
37.53 mimecoins   Spent
581.902 GBP - 698.282   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy CAD)
42.06 mimecoins   Spent
1,999.91 CAD - 1,419.94   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy XAU)
12.55 mimecoins   Spent
0.100008 XAU - 220.018   Details

XtAAWv4cotzFvVHcoNFgT3tPEe1T73dLSG (Buy IDR)
1,207.47 mimecoins   Spent

Xx8PhmufmMXUJYgiC2PDgkGiZS4FwtAYHg (Sell XAU)
145.48 mimecoins   Spent

Xx8PhmufmMXUJYgiC2PDgkGiZS4FwtAYHg (Sell XAU)
215.21 mimecoins   Spent

Xo75gVR1wFVbQVprERM9RfEyxGU4pDCgY6 (Sell NZD)
327.36 mimecoins   Spent

Xx9HCt9JqkibZTsiD6UHz3Y37JRchThe5z (Sell CAD)
495.32 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell XAU)
7.44 mimecoins   Spent
-0.0999876 XAU + 239.97   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Buy IDR)
60.62 mimecoins   Spent
28.148M IDR - 1,660.73   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell XAU)
7.44 mimecoins   Spent
-0.0999876 XAU + 239.97   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
20.85 mimecoins   Spent
-996.366 NZD + 627.71   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell CAD)
37.92 mimecoins   Spent
-2,000.11 CAD + 1,500.08   Details

Xx9JG8dKe5ukVyCpxfyE7phx2j9epvHmVo (Buy CHF)
375.52 mimecoins   Spent

XiABz5SkpxfPtX9VutmYsyNiMox5F7qoHv (Sell IDR)
202.71 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy CHF)
25.07 mimecoins   Spent
399.881 CHF - 419.875   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Sell IDR)
7.31 mimecoins   Spent
-3.96322M IDR + 249.683   Details

Xm9KmsNjfXeK8irs8ypbTwjdJk3USrJCSX (Sell CHF)
182.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Sell CHF)
14.91 mimecoins   Spent
-399.939 CHF + 459.93   Details

Xt9N4PLPjWxyd9rr2AhaD8rJFEiV8ajJbX (Buy CNY)
425.42 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2agFbv9qfeZMhx93fRvo6LdFeaoCe2oo (Buy CNY)
30.39 mimecoins   Spent
3,998.95 CNY - 519.864   Details

Xe9PquijYKVYRpsKdVrpEjufkNZBEZxaBo (Sell CNY)
411.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xk2ftpCLsxtxupKpkbr74VKAxdF9vHxunA (Sell CNY)
29.59 mimecoins   Spent
-3,999.73 CNY + 579.96   Details