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UTXO #228685: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xc2UFzZp1VaW17vsLAkaXhshPTCX9XBSAe
Amount:    2,807.79 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #249601 (round #911) and spent on block #249840 (round #934)
#8 in block #249601, 41 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00010007 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 84d83b80c491fb67301d8391aad0d1d37ccfd6f17f9df2e3322125a7911a6b3d

[S] Xy2TSm9FdUH8usrbcNofJwUSHnZd5ZoXRL (Buy LKR)
1,298.12 mimecoins   Spent
27.2945M LKR - 81,883.5   Details

[S] Xz2GE8o1NXG2dsBU1vReX22LnxQVmhPuDW (Sell LKR)
4,160.78 mimecoins   Spent
-27.2945M LKR + 87,342.4   Details

5,458.89 mimecoins   Spent
1.81963M LSL - 87,342.2   Details

[S] Xi2LBW17yrgsTtGdV4MFX1UaQpgtDm48Kz (Sell LSL)
0 mimecoins   Spent
-1.81963M LSL + 92,801.1   Details

[S] Xe25Ekw7X8ozACvm24vz24TcYWVy2oQhtT (Buy LYD)
3,447.28 mimecoins   Spent
545.889k LYD - 109.178k   Details

[S] Xx2niJJUtJopeTJsSw29GY3tiEaGrWstwN (Sell LYD)
2,011.61 mimecoins   Spent
-545.889k LYD + 114.637k   Details

[S] Xp26ng8p2nQypfk3bjsaAuBwc2TNhdVhgY (Buy MAD)
3,891.75 mimecoins   Spent
1.09178M MAD - 103.719k   Details

[S] Xe2m3b5Y1EcwGFdrLD9Qt5Qyfcg92Gi6wu (Sell MAD)
1,567.14 mimecoins   Spent
-1.09178M MAD + 109.178k   Details

[S] Xs2pyW4rvuDqmr7J38equkjoZomf9nS1b4 (Buy MDL)
3,732.24 mimecoins   Spent
1.81963M MDL - 98,260   Details

[S] Xq2T4GPPxc2AsjaRaXGDDwbxF4DxSVj2aK (Sell MDL)
1,726.65 mimecoins   Spent
-1.81963M MDL + 103.719k   Details

[S] Xc2UFzZp1VaW17vsLAkaXhshPTCX9XBSAe (Buy MGA)
2,924.05 mimecoins   Spent
272.945M MGA - 57,318.3   Details

[S] Xs2dRB8JB8fvioguNwUJuunoQKsD6KFnxU (Sell MGA)
2,534.84 mimecoins   Spent
-272.945M MGA + 62,777.2   Details

[S] Xx2eSAby4jpPTE4kcewSiaWMhZez8GW2JQ (Buy MKD)
3,446.19 mimecoins   Spent
5.45889M MKD - 92,801.1   Details

[S] Xv2HLMnvqNVXf1L5cN16x1YpJTLh7sjgTa (Sell MKD)
2,012.7 mimecoins   Spent
-5.45889M MKD + 98,260   Details

[S] Xr2w83oAQLezxfD9yQYF1CYUcM6oQsGfh2 (Buy MMK)
2,918.69 mimecoins   Spent
181.963M MMK - 83,703.1   Details

[S] Xu2prkAmgnAS3bAwXYmT179h7c9pQvqBS5 (Sell MMK)
2,540.21 mimecoins   Spent
-181.963M MMK + 89,162   Details

[S] Xy2yajUpvShzMJqQEpSYgZC6Wy7H17wJzK (Buy MOP)
2,428.11 mimecoins   Spent
545.89k MOP - 65,506.8   Details

[S] Xg2mwPzqhCYNBJaJVeUScZYCkb9S1F6MmY (Sell MOP)
3,030.79 mimecoins   Spent
-545.89k MOP + 70,965.7   Details

[S] Xk2oiBFW53CkCfg1MgkcgPATqaqKA7oa4L (Buy MUR)
1,759.94 mimecoins   Spent
2.72945M MUR - 60,047.9   Details

[S] Xp2LAZFPjoCVPJR3A5W94nqzcJ65LPj3En (Sell MUR)
3,698.96 mimecoins   Spent
-2.72945M MUR + 65,506.8   Details

[S] Xw2ratGCR1VHLUrn3bJCVArz41ACuJ3aAE (Buy MVR)
1,548.14 mimecoins   Spent
1.81963M MVR - 116.456k   Details

[S] Xt2p8wUhhggyS6QvMbRJbsqiMWStHZb7fM (Sell MVR)
3,910.75 mimecoins   Spent
-1.81963M MVR + 121.915k   Details

[S] Xt2p8wUhhggyS6QvMbRJbsqiMWStHZb7fM (Sell KRW)
0 mimecoins   Spent
-163.321M KRW + 125.757k   Details

[S] Xx2FPPkZCMvn1TPtr1DscLZqdXqzjuVDTX (Buy KWD)
3,124.65 mimecoins   Spent
21,776.1 KWD - 67,506   Details

[S] Xx2FPPkZCMvn1TPtr1DscLZqdXqzjuVDTX (Buy MWK)
2,520.55 mimecoins   Spent
181.963M MWK - 105.539k   Details

[S] Xo2XgTxaguHnAEm9yG8QmQ6CVetiubgoby (Sell KWD)
3,408.19 mimecoins   Spent
-21,776.1 KWD + 74,038.9   Details

[S] Xo2XgTxaguHnAEm9yG8QmQ6CVetiubgoby (Sell MWK)
2,938.35 mimecoins   Spent
-181.963M MWK + 110.998k   Details

[S] Xm2ViHbxBGZFHaLaKi9gaQsKWzVLgbVhyd (Buy KYD)
3,279.48 mimecoins   Spent
65,328.4 KYD - 75,127.7   Details

[S] Xm2ViHbxBGZFHaLaKi9gaQsKWzVLgbVhyd (Buy MXN)
5,458.89 mimecoins   Spent
1.81963M MXN - 100.08k   Details

[S] Xb2zCfsohAcVBKWrMVVqStMpffq2bG9RDF (Sell KYD)
3,253.36 mimecoins   Spent
-65,328.4 KYD + 81,660.5   Details

[S] Xb2zCfsohAcVBKWrMVVqStMpffq2bG9RDF (Sell MXN)
0 mimecoins   Spent
-1.81963M MXN + 105.539k   Details

[S] Xp2hPVgg11AFTBVat7UZ7BPDSqGfHR8xaH (Buy KZT)
3,740.69 mimecoins   Spent
65.3283M KZT - 137.189k   Details

[S] Xp2hPVgg11AFTBVat7UZ7BPDSqGfHR8xaH (Buy MYR)
3,732.51 mimecoins   Spent
272.945k MYR - 54,588.9   Details

[S] Xm2ZVYAMcgPSH3vQAL7M7AAsbeCSJr5bp3 (Sell KZT)
2,792.14 mimecoins   Spent
-65.3283M KZT + 143.722k   Details

[S] Xm2ZVYAMcgPSH3vQAL7M7AAsbeCSJr5bp3 (Sell MYR)
1,726.38 mimecoins   Spent
-272.945k MYR + 60,047.8   Details

[S] Xp2j3hfNL42aRYLFmTymsYx1QguPWkCPCs (Buy LAK)
2,638.17 mimecoins   Spent
2.17761B LAK - 102.348k   Details

[S] Xp2j3hfNL42aRYLFmTymsYx1QguPWkCPCs (Buy MZN)
2,945.98 mimecoins   Spent
3.63926M MZN - 54,588.9   Details

[S] Xb23WD5nfwMLMZyDvwRa43omb6H3rL12D6 (Sell LAK)
3,894.67 mimecoins   Spent
-2.17761B LAK + 108.881k   Details

[S] Xx25YgPPZgKYJU6HpJf1UKUxKu3cj5bqXF (Buy LBP)
3,302.56 mimecoins   Spent
2.17761B LBP - 141.545k   Details

[S] Xf2QTLcEJBuXbstbz6Nki6ZBWVFS4vhqXQ (Sell LBP)
3,230.28 mimecoins   Spent
-2.17761B LBP + 148.078k   Details

XnDGj85xd38Hp21xpNbAnhM7fJBzuHUjX5 (Buy NGN)
451.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2TSm9FdUH8usrbcNofJwUSHnZd5ZoXRL (Buy NGN)
2,337.62 mimecoins   Spent
57.3371M NGN - 65,937.6   Details

XyDHhLHyZhJEkDbn4KLGJfe3FEZafrxcWR (Sell NGN)
816.5 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2GE8o1NXG2dsBU1vReX22LnxQVmhPuDW (Sell NGN)
3,396.07 mimecoins   Spent
-57.337M NGN + 71,671.2   Details

XeDJrDNBbQzyNC9Fjg71BtJAtEGwESuN23 (Buy NIO)
833.18 mimecoins   Spent

3,811.19 mimecoins   Spent
2.86685M NIO - 74,538.1   Details

XpDKNka1Kb3TXERH5F1ozS31PNAqgiUQfv (Sell NIO)
435.27 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2LBW17yrgsTtGdV4MFX1UaQpgtDm48Kz (Sell NIO)
1,922.51 mimecoins   Spent
-2.86685M NIO + 80,271.8   Details

XmDLtrvD3bxMfMsLboUcEMMYvQR15BNKt7 (Buy NOK)
759.85 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe25Ekw7X8ozACvm24vz24TcYWVy2oQhtT (Buy NOK)
5,008.38 mimecoins   Spent
1.14674M NOK - 102.06k   Details

XcDMptNsnQRaBjYZnVeeUgDioqC2H6SANj (Sell NOK)
508.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2niJJUtJopeTJsSw29GY3tiEaGrWstwN (Sell NOK)
725.32 mimecoins   Spent
-1.14674M NOK + 107.794k   Details

XbDNdnwfhR2NrGKEkdA61SdZzVTyafxpGB (Buy NPR)
647.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp26ng8p2nQypfk3bjsaAuBwc2TNhdVhgY (Buy NPR)
2,901.25 mimecoins   Spent
14.3343M NPR - 104.64k   Details

XqDPzDzV78iuykxAETk27a1NR7a8eSS7SW (Sell NPR)
621.22 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2m3b5Y1EcwGFdrLD9Qt5Qyfcg92Gi6wu (Sell NPR)
2,832.45 mimecoins   Spent
-14.3343M NPR + 110.374k   Details

XiDQ3yt9VHw3XqGiEH9E1HfkSeMNeCA5Xh (Buy NZD)
779.67 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xs2pyW4rvuDqmr7J38equkjoZomf9nS1b4 (Buy NZD)
4,222.67 mimecoins   Spent
191.124k NZD - 110.852k   Details

488.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xq2T4GPPxc2AsjaRaXGDDwbxF4DxSVj2aK (Sell NZD)
1,511.02 mimecoins   Spent
-191.123k NZD + 116.585k   Details

XoDS7CDFDwaaFPNsQLYHgAv2H326szvTJg (Buy OMR)
621.16 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc2UFzZp1VaW17vsLAkaXhshPTCX9XBSAe (Buy OMR)
2,807.79 mimecoins   Spent
28,668.5 OMR - 71,671.2   Details

XoDTk9f3kS8ixYeGUNjmHcfEnkxPsZoyiN (Sell OMR)
647.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xs2dRB8JB8fvioguNwUJuunoQKsD6KFnxU (Sell OMR)
2,925.91 mimecoins   Spent
-28,668.5 OMR + 77,404.9   Details

XpDUfcg1ydmypkG2w2Moc2aS9kPFQUcAAW (Buy PAB)
356.98 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2eSAby4jpPTE4kcewSiaWMhZez8GW2JQ (Buy PAB)
1,660.31 mimecoins   Spent
81,909.9 PAB - 80,271.7   Details

XtDVhPSh2F8ByhsSgAAU31ToTJFa13rrHF (Sell PAB)
911.47 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2HLMnvqNVXf1L5cN16x1YpJTLh7sjgTa (Sell PAB)
4,073.38 mimecoins   Spent
-81,909.9 PAB + 86,005.3   Details

XcDWAHZWv5CVDE4csNhFxg78y4Jrx4kAi2 (Buy PEN)
537.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2w83oAQLezxfD9yQYF1CYUcM6oQsGfh2 (Buy PEN)
4,488.34 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k PEN - 71,671.2   Details

XcDXd6oevnCfaiomdtE6uYF7KMUYUy4HiH (Sell PEN)
731.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2prkAmgnAS3bAwXYmT179h7c9pQvqBS5 (Sell PEN)
1,245.36 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k PEN + 77,404.9   Details

XtDYCvP2M9aCj9iw3YMEUtHicTWEh5Lfs1 (Buy PGK)
927.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2yajUpvShzMJqQEpSYgZC6Wy7H17wJzK (Buy PGK)
5,237.44 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k PGK - 71,671.2   Details

XmDZPS2BHRW5dPn9fKTY3PVxc6smrDmY4A (Sell PGK)
341.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xg2mwPzqhCYNBJaJVeUScZYCkb9S1F6MmY (Sell PGK)
496.26 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k PGK + 77,404.9   Details

XpDaNNKTkpAq6ceqoK2uVVg7F1AiSZZbHN (Buy PHP)
665.94 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xk2oiBFW53CkCfg1MgkcgPATqaqKA7oa4L (Buy PHP)
3,367.4 mimecoins   Spent
5.7337M PHP - 100.34k   Details

XdDbyXpuzg2CkPWW4JApEAvvnR4jRKN2kf (Sell PHP)
602.51 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2LAZFPjoCVPJR3A5W94nqzcJ65LPj3En (Sell PHP)
2,366.3 mimecoins   Spent
-5.7337M PHP + 106.073k   Details

XnDcM3J1kgMbnAtozw7aCnKykZ8SqhZCnu (Buy PKR)
566.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2ratGCR1VHLUrn3bJCVArz41ACuJ3aAE (Buy PKR)
4,043.69 mimecoins   Spent
28.6685M PKR - 97,472.9   Details

XdDdhHxcX2wFF2esZPQZxiBJZ9vz9Xr44d (Sell PKR)
702.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2p8wUhhggyS6QvMbRJbsqiMWStHZb7fM (Sell PKR)
1,690.01 mimecoins   Spent
-28.6685M PKR + 103.207k   Details

XbDeSsSB2mCMBGyy71TwTC3PJrNZmv7EaR (Buy PLN)
530.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FPPkZCMvn1TPtr1DscLZqdXqzjuVDTX (Buy PLN)
2,952.28 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k PLN - 68,804.4   Details

XmDfSQ9S1oHTBWmhroUfS6zgsvMnkoHyWV (Sell PLN)
738.05 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2XgTxaguHnAEm9yG8QmQ6CVetiubgoby (Sell PLN)
2,781.42 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k PLN + 74,538.1   Details

XoDgdSh7rG4dhEdwL8dJ6AwPRxq6ZnSj84 (Buy PYG)
573.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2ViHbxBGZFHaLaKi9gaQsKWzVLgbVhyd (Buy PYG)
2,663.87 mimecoins   Spent
573.37M PYG - 74,538.1   Details

XbDh4pMhUj2iUsz9FkSpWi1D8f8c1Li8fr (Sell PYG)
694.73 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2zCfsohAcVBKWrMVVqStMpffq2bG9RDF (Sell PYG)
3,069.83 mimecoins   Spent
-573.37M PYG + 80,271.8   Details

XxDifFEjUHMDp8u1HfmuQBgJmufxnZKQEj (Buy QAR)
619.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2hPVgg11AFTBVat7UZ7BPDSqGfHR8xaH (Buy QAR)
2,799 mimecoins   Spent
191.123k QAR - 49,692.1   Details

XeDjeAnYsVhTKof4EvUYoA6tejPaqP6Snz (Sell QAR)
649.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2ZVYAMcgPSH3vQAL7M7AAsbeCSJr5bp3 (Sell QAR)
2,934.7 mimecoins   Spent
-191.123k QAR + 55,425.8   Details

XnDkKFsK4kt9ys4aFBZumghZNZbQRy1qZL (Buy RON)
539.85 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2j3hfNL42aRYLFmTymsYx1QguPWkCPCs (Buy RON)
2,798.04 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k RON - 60,203.9   Details

XsDmev1ue5t5HgQ2c7JuPhYjU2vuRjKfox (Sell RON)
728.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb23WD5nfwMLMZyDvwRa43omb6H3rL12D6 (Sell RON)
2,935.66 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k RON + 65,937.6   Details

XyDnpjx36URaBbwXxmz3ZQ8qnuJFUs6ttQ (Buy RSD)
681.33 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx25YgPPZgKYJU6HpJf1UKUxKu3cj5bqXF (Buy RSD)
3,705.23 mimecoins   Spent
11.4674M RSD - 103.207k   Details

XbDoebSc25145MRvVaL81MeVhitWTUGEWz (Sell RSD)
587.11 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xf2QTLcEJBuXbstbz6Nki6ZBWVFS4vhqXQ (Sell RSD)
2,028.47 mimecoins   Spent
-11.4674M RSD + 108.94k   Details

#1 in block #249840, 50 inputs, 1 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 82c1399a2d4d2a3e2059ba23938154d75727cc7bda40a0f46c9fe01a85ece036

[S] Xy2TSm9FdUH8usrbcNofJwUSHnZd5ZoXRL (Buy RUB)
3,180.65 mimecoins   Spent
11.3433M RUB - 124.776k   Details

[S] Xy2TSm9FdUH8usrbcNofJwUSHnZd5ZoXRL (Buy NGN)
2,337.62 mimecoins   Spent
57.3371M NGN - 65,937.6   Details

[S] Xz2GE8o1NXG2dsBU1vReX22LnxQVmhPuDW (Sell RUB)
2,490.98 mimecoins   Spent
-11.3433M RUB + 130.447k   Details

[S] Xz2GE8o1NXG2dsBU1vReX22LnxQVmhPuDW (Sell NGN)
3,396.07 mimecoins   Spent
-57.337M NGN + 71,671.2   Details

3,207.87 mimecoins   Spent
141.791M RWF - 112.015k   Details

3,811.19 mimecoins   Spent
2.86685M NIO - 74,538.1   Details

[S] Xi2LBW17yrgsTtGdV4MFX1UaQpgtDm48Kz (Sell RWF)
2,463.77 mimecoins   Spent
-141.791M RWF + 117.687k   Details

[S] Xi2LBW17yrgsTtGdV4MFX1UaQpgtDm48Kz (Sell NIO)
1,922.51 mimecoins   Spent
-2.86685M NIO + 80,271.8   Details

[S] Xe25Ekw7X8ozACvm24vz24TcYWVy2oQhtT (Buy SAR)
1,879.58 mimecoins   Spent
283.582k SAR - 73,731.3   Details

[S] Xe25Ekw7X8ozACvm24vz24TcYWVy2oQhtT (Buy NOK)
5,008.38 mimecoins   Spent
1.14674M NOK - 102.06k   Details

[S] Xx2niJJUtJopeTJsSw29GY3tiEaGrWstwN (Sell SAR)
3,792.06 mimecoins   Spent
-283.582k SAR + 79,403   Details

[S] Xx2niJJUtJopeTJsSw29GY3tiEaGrWstwN (Sell NOK)
725.32 mimecoins   Spent
-1.14674M NOK + 107.794k   Details

[S] Xp26ng8p2nQypfk3bjsaAuBwc2TNhdVhgY (Buy SDG)
3,623.61 mimecoins   Spent
56.7164M SDG - 90,746.2   Details

[S] Xp26ng8p2nQypfk3bjsaAuBwc2TNhdVhgY (Buy NPR)
2,901.25 mimecoins   Spent
14.3343M NPR - 104.64k   Details

[S] Xe2m3b5Y1EcwGFdrLD9Qt5Qyfcg92Gi6wu (Sell SDG)
2,048.03 mimecoins   Spent
-56.7164M SDG + 96,417.9   Details

[S] Xe2m3b5Y1EcwGFdrLD9Qt5Qyfcg92Gi6wu (Sell NPR)
2,832.45 mimecoins   Spent
-14.3343M NPR + 110.374k   Details

[S] Xs2pyW4rvuDqmr7J38equkjoZomf9nS1b4 (Buy NZD)
4,222.67 mimecoins   Spent
191.124k NZD - 110.852k   Details

[S] Xq2T4GPPxc2AsjaRaXGDDwbxF4DxSVj2aK (Sell NZD)
1,511.02 mimecoins   Spent
-191.123k NZD + 116.585k   Details

[S] Xc2UFzZp1VaW17vsLAkaXhshPTCX9XBSAe (Buy OMR)
2,807.79 mimecoins   Spent
28,668.5 OMR - 71,671.2   Details

[S] Xs2dRB8JB8fvioguNwUJuunoQKsD6KFnxU (Sell OMR)
2,925.91 mimecoins   Spent
-28,668.5 OMR + 77,404.9   Details

[S] Xx2eSAby4jpPTE4kcewSiaWMhZez8GW2JQ (Buy PAB)
1,660.31 mimecoins   Spent
81,909.9 PAB - 80,271.7   Details

[S] Xv2HLMnvqNVXf1L5cN16x1YpJTLh7sjgTa (Sell PAB)
4,073.38 mimecoins   Spent
-81,909.9 PAB + 86,005.3   Details

[S] Xr2w83oAQLezxfD9yQYF1CYUcM6oQsGfh2 (Buy PEN)
4,488.34 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k PEN - 71,671.2   Details

[S] Xu2prkAmgnAS3bAwXYmT179h7c9pQvqBS5 (Sell PEN)
1,245.36 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k PEN + 77,404.9   Details

[S] Xy2yajUpvShzMJqQEpSYgZC6Wy7H17wJzK (Buy PGK)
5,237.44 mimecoins   Spent
286.685k PGK - 71,671.2   Details

[S] Xg2mwPzqhCYNBJaJVeUScZYCkb9S1F6MmY (Sell PGK)
496.26 mimecoins   Spent
-286.685k PGK + 77,404.9   Details

[S] Xk2oiBFW53CkCfg1MgkcgPATqaqKA7oa4L (Buy PHP)
3,367.4 mimecoins   Spent
5.7337M PHP - 100.34k   Details

[S] Xp2LAZFPjoCVPJR3A5W94nqzcJ65LPj3En (Sell PHP)
2,366.3 mimecoins   Spent
-5.7337M PHP + 106.073k   Details

[S] Xw2ratGCR1VHLUrn3bJCVArz41ACuJ3aAE (Buy PKR)
4,043.69 mimecoins   Spent
28.6685M PKR - 97,472.9   Details

[S] Xt2p8wUhhggyS6QvMbRJbsqiMWStHZb7fM (Sell PKR)
1,690.01 mimecoins   Spent
-28.6685M PKR + 103.207k   Details

[S] Xx2FPPkZCMvn1TPtr1DscLZqdXqzjuVDTX (Buy MVR)
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