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UTXO #850104: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9
Amount:    15.37 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #274225 (round #3373) and spent on block #281611 (round #4112)
#5 in block #274225, 3 inputs, 9 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 4db5e830f0b240361b790c958f9c11699e258dc96d442a3703bc288bf2326e55

XwAE3dt2md16WJoaHGKMbQ2qQMWjV4bo5D (Buy EUR)
256.33 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xk2ftpCLsxtxupKpkbr74VKAxdF9vHxunA (Sell CNY)
12.13 mimecoins   Spent
-1,998.69 CNY + 289.81   Details

XyEWxooUkaQv6nCgfBr457wjZqc1h786Yc (Buy NGN)
34.93 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
4.62 mimecoins   Spent
499.652k NGN - 319.778   Details

34.54 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
15.37 mimecoins   Spent
-499.849k NGN + 339.897   Details

XtEeVuw1zpPd8YncuhawUePzuw7PiVx1XR (Buy NZD)
55.98 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
11.14 mimecoins   Spent
1,333.06 NZD - 799.835   Details

XpEfHtGaRLprAWnXTjbTnv8YsQJcbg7QYm (Sell NZD)
82.97 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
28.84 mimecoins   Spent
-1,332.96 NZD + 839.765   Details

#93 in block #281611, 50 inputs, 1 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: fdfb9caa6a7d292efa0616a1c9aebc0e448e8c552d4c382d3dca6d0d796b9d9c

Xo9CLu81xYa78bXF1RmCseYR4fhDmaF8b7 (Buy INR)
200.1 mimecoins   Spent

Xw7L7UHshD9j18HNF8LP5yUXeZ9oTfVVdD (Buy XAU)
967.18 mimecoins   Spent

Xu7JVrqw9vyWQEebuyVM3iJq75zXRZd4Jk (Buy XAG)
478.15 mimecoins   Spent

Xf7ktUkzbzaBWU2saxoWUMaW7rqyngjy2q (Buy AUD)
12.7 mimecoins   Spent

Xg89rrrpGFDscwnrsjCw7pD5DU5doWBNzR (Sell BTC)
55.46 mimecoins   Spent

XyEWxooUkaQv6nCgfBr457wjZqc1h786Yc (Buy NGN)
34.93 mimecoins   Spent

Xv8izdEhX3TKfSky5p4rsnAoFLrXu5u843 (Buy EUR)
55.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
4.62 mimecoins   Spent
499.652k NGN - 319.778   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Sell BTC)
4.06 mimecoins   Spent
-0.00999203 BTC + 619.506   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy AUD)
9.8 mimecoins   Spent
666.793 AUD - 433.416   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy EUR)
8.29 mimecoins   Spent
399.573 EUR - 419.551   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy XAG)
12.42 mimecoins   Spent
13.117 XAG - 367.276   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy XAU)
12.55 mimecoins   Spent
0.0999999 XAU - 220   Details

Xx7mPLjb1WV77tgEqx7tWAUoxyMEat4iba (Sell AUD)
11.54 mimecoins   Spent

Xi7MHX5VY9HUy2SNbCpJQhw913QAX71r25 (Sell XAU)
509.43 mimecoins   Spent

Xr8jqVHqLdq9zWvexpmR35SqDQznahqgVe (Sell EUR)
63.44 mimecoins   Spent

Xx8E1w2uDi5QW9fKhPinnujw5DZNSi4D9J (Buy CAD)
92.27 mimecoins   Spent

34.54 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell XAU)
7.44 mimecoins   Spent
-0.1 XAU + 240   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell EUR)
11.69 mimecoins   Spent
-399.999 EUR + 439.999   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Buy CAD)
29.83 mimecoins   Spent
1,499.86 CAD - 1,064.9   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
15.37 mimecoins   Spent
-499.849k NGN + 339.897   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell AUD)
10.18 mimecoins   Spent
-666.527 AUD + 453.238   Details

XtEeVuw1zpPd8YncuhawUePzuw7PiVx1XR (Buy NZD)
55.98 mimecoins   Spent

Xq8F3MPLNa33dxJyYKobGzN7V3RVEmTMdV (Sell CAD)
74.12 mimecoins   Spent

Xb8nHiprVi83sy91Vy6Z6cvr8ThM6DtE28 (Buy GBP)
163.47 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
11.14 mimecoins   Spent
1,333.06 NZD - 799.835   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Sell CAD)
30.14 mimecoins   Spent
-1,499.61 CAD + 1,124.71   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy GBP)
25.58 mimecoins   Spent
399.884 GBP - 479.86   Details

XpEfHtGaRLprAWnXTjbTnv8YsQJcbg7QYm (Sell NZD)
82.97 mimecoins   Spent

Xc8GAjcs1W4bw4pXiq9DYNzSTbCY7DBJLF (Buy CHF)
77.66 mimecoins   Spent

Xk8oZACo7hB4Tb2EJYAWt7yu8zbK1HKfqE (Sell GBP)
74.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell INR)
31.2 mimecoins   Spent
-59,988.4 INR + 749.856   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Buy CHF)
25.14 mimecoins   Spent
399.943 CHF - 419.94   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
28.84 mimecoins   Spent
-1,332.96 NZD + 839.765   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell GBP)
14.4 mimecoins   Spent
-399.936 GBP + 519.917   Details

Xd98We6uHRaRK8cieRD1JqEW7QnLjFAKPA (Buy IDR)
178.35 mimecoins   Spent

XvDcS5e46BHE7AGCDcLaqp17pDyvV4TN5y (Buy JPY)
31.41 mimecoins   Spent

Xp8HD7wJomuhHq1vVjtDcLCSrFo376aQBj (Sell CHF)
33.26 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy JPY)
7.88 mimecoins   Spent
66,629.5 JPY - 406.44   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Sell CHF)
14.84 mimecoins   Spent
-399.801 CHF + 459.771   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy IDR)
30.12 mimecoins   Spent
14.9958M IDR - 884.75   Details

XrDdJgR8TBjGjsNd5Rn61Usj6tFh6Y2UTh (Sell JPY)
27.05 mimecoins   Spent

114.7 mimecoins   Spent

Xn99zs45pMSMymt9UeEEWWP5gwF4DVMRnd (Sell IDR)
178.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Sell JPY)
12.1 mimecoins   Spent
-66,637.8 JPY + 426.482   Details

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Buy CNY)
40.39 mimecoins   Spent
5,333.33 CNY - 693.333   Details

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Sell IDR)
29.86 mimecoins   Spent
-14.9992M IDR + 944.951   Details

107.15 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2agFbv9qfeZMhx93fRvo6LdFeaoCe2oo (Sell CNY)
39.6 mimecoins   Spent
-5,333.33 CNY + 773.333   Details

XuCxf1vfn7AdA1c5Xn5eBRvDmJSsUH5iDh (Buy CZK)
4,182.22 mimecoins   Spent

XuCxf1vfn7AdA1c5Xn5eBRvDmJSsUH5iDh (Buy CZK)
0 mimecoins   Spent
0 CZK   Details