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UTXO #853412: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR
Amount:    6.55 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #274304 (round #3381) and spent on block #281611 (round #4112)
#1 in block #274304, 3 inputs, 9 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 29b090925e9af71a9673ad9f6bce282e01f6ae645699d2ef0a62af240187e2e7

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy EUR)
15.64 mimecoins   Spent
399.826 EUR - 419.817   Details

XpEfHtGaRLprAWnXTjbTnv8YsQJcbg7QYm (Sell EUR)
473.36 mimecoins   Spent

Xx9cQiRru6CaFnV7voc8dXEYkH2HNCMj5q (Buy INR)
77.76 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy INR)
11.07 mimecoins   Spent
22,440.1 INR - 258.062   Details

Xf9dWjZtkx9MxCvtvHBVMdLMyGHnrYgVyv (Sell INR)
208.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell INR)
28.59 mimecoins   Spent
-56,477.9 INR + 705.973   Details

Xc9p5uobqftFrSJ5X6vtwoyxLPbBywAzPF (Buy JPY)
60.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy JPY)
6.55 mimecoins   Spent
50,002.9 JPY - 305.018   Details

Xt9qocaEW7ANb1XX4QG3mm46nP5UrC8pa1 (Sell JPY)
82.22 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell JPY)
13.44 mimecoins   Spent
-49,997.8 JPY + 324.986   Details

#45 in block #281611, 50 inputs, 1 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 45a77a78d5da126acb19b719de833af739404ab80669a9de32d373ca84487a6f

Xd98We6uHRaRK8cieRD1JqEW7QnLjFAKPA (Buy EUR)
38.31 mimecoins   Spent

XhAiwJq6KSPa5BJGFdKbsGoeUwgeDJasBD (Buy NGN)
11.15 mimecoins   Spent

XsCaLq38tETJqb8mBKkAYeeY21x1a4jbS4 (Buy AUD)
43.34 mimecoins   Spent

Xx9cQiRru6CaFnV7voc8dXEYkH2HNCMj5q (Buy INR)
77.76 mimecoins   Spent

XkCxPEJr5HvR1m1BymrUmg2eScoB64UsZM (Buy BTC)
62.35 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy NGN)
24.4 mimecoins   Spent
2.66667M NGN - 1,706.67   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy BTC)
26.41 mimecoins   Spent
0.0149976 BTC - 884.856   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy AUD)
8.55 mimecoins   Spent
500.001 AUD - 325   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy INR)
11.07 mimecoins   Spent
22,440.1 INR - 258.062   Details

[S] Xb21Ss85fHqXdGMcrt8LgVG2jc8iexyfA6 (Buy EUR)
25.21 mimecoins   Spent
1,200 EUR - 1,260   Details

XiCyTm2atojH1yL7Xmh88uYwGKArzyY8ye (Sell BTC)
48.51 mimecoins   Spent

XgAjBqcLD4H78Cx9fWAjoojbe2FuZnGzWu (Sell NGN)
14.16 mimecoins   Spent

XdCb7soyjTeAVuKCZ9PQi2y7xn7BaqhUHm (Sell AUD)
72.86 mimecoins   Spent

Xn99zs45pMSMymt9UeEEWWP5gwF4DVMRnd (Sell EUR)
43.72 mimecoins   Spent

Xf9dWjZtkx9MxCvtvHBVMdLMyGHnrYgVyv (Sell INR)
208.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell BTC)
33.57 mimecoins   Spent
-0.0149974 BTC + 944.838   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell NGN)
55.59 mimecoins   Spent
-2.66667M NGN + 1,786.67   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell INR)
28.59 mimecoins   Spent
-56,477.9 INR + 705.973   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell AUD)
11.43 mimecoins   Spent
-500 AUD + 345   Details

[S] Xw2htEcJZBTmeXeef4o2zEjVgWsdzN3SJ9 (Sell EUR)
34.78 mimecoins   Spent
-1,200 EUR + 1,320   Details

XsD4x5Fdt8VhpFjEkNYNboGxtPTBwyis5f (Buy CAD)
19.6 mimecoins   Spent

XyAriV69akyXMwfFjwojCkJu2TCLPT7aR8 (Buy NZD)
9.97 mimecoins   Spent

Xo9CLu81xYa78bXF1RmCseYR4fhDmaF8b7 (Buy GBP)
38.44 mimecoins   Spent

Xc9p5uobqftFrSJ5X6vtwoyxLPbBywAzPF (Buy JPY)
60.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy JPY)
6.55 mimecoins   Spent
50,002.9 JPY - 305.018   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy GBP)
26.23 mimecoins   Spent
399.915 GBP - 479.897   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy NZD)
21.36 mimecoins   Spent
2,544.23 NZD - 1,526.54   Details

[S] Xy2rwfqDE1pamwoDifmD9EBDg3N23wVbuR (Buy CAD)
9.75 mimecoins   Spent
499.554 CAD - 354.683   Details

Xt9qocaEW7ANb1XX4QG3mm46nP5UrC8pa1 (Sell JPY)
82.22 mimecoins   Spent

Xy9DiZ5TqntpWVVcfCPeChb3uBwBkLbzB6 (Sell GBP)
16.24 mimecoins   Spent

XeD5vQemnAVdtcYNtoqGpudrct2HoT92P9 (Sell CAD)
17.35 mimecoins   Spent

XgAsM4P5CQDFBJRTBnzq8rFiAA3rsU3e1r (Sell NZD)
2.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell JPY)
13.44 mimecoins   Spent
-49,997.8 JPY + 324.986   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell CAD)
10.23 mimecoins   Spent
-499.972 CAD + 374.979   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell NZD)
10.4 mimecoins   Spent
-481.866 NZD + 303.575   Details

[S] Xy2eWA1G6upZsAfZW31qbvW3U9f6VXiPD1 (Sell GBP)
13.75 mimecoins   Spent
-399.866 GBP + 519.825   Details

XdD6kwoMwc2T42y7c2USRPMvT97GsF4Ges (Buy CHF)
51.11 mimecoins   Spent

XfC87W5y5b6C4AN6n2ajTuavwysYM4TsRr (Buy XAG)
6.33 mimecoins   Spent

Xh9YTnTbef5F6tgiotUhtJg1Jm8XJhh77w (Buy IDR)
13.94 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy CHF)
24.69 mimecoins   Spent
399.942 CHF - 419.939   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy XAG)
12.5 mimecoins   Spent
33.0506 XAG - 958.468   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Buy IDR)
10.86 mimecoins   Spent
5M IDR - 295   Details

[S] Xe21aV1tvwhPachuDcFQD4vePeeh53QXma (Sell CNY)
35.29 mimecoins   Spent
-4,831.55 CNY + 700.575   Details

XbD7vr9krLAimcCnY7gE4qDMQG99GSVYX9 (Sell CHF)
22.79 mimecoins   Spent

Xn9Z6ucrxDkNR52T5vrftsGoxsr6JpU52d (Sell IDR)
13.39 mimecoins   Spent

XmCAKHW45TqKBmsWmw5oNuKgu229wMTmUX (Buy XAU)
12.44 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Sell IDR)
9.13 mimecoins   Spent
-5M IDR + 315   Details

[S] Xu2RfnirVGfXDxvoATKs92akmqwVwBUwcg (Buy XAU)
40.93 mimecoins   Spent
0.3 XAU - 659.999   Details

XqCBe8HrtBwyKanm3wz8f4L7pdjhS73Lfv (Sell XAU)
6.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2agFbv9qfeZMhx93fRvo6LdFeaoCe2oo (Sell XAU)
19.06 mimecoins   Spent
-0.300001 XAU + 720.002   Details