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UTXO #1055884: Betcoin Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp
Amount:    0.0000 betcoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #243223 (round #4812) and spent on block #243312 (round #4814).
It added 0 betcoins to inflation.
#1 in block #243223, 5 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: e18dd4654aef7a44c761b3ad9ddd54ac7b09dd57e784b38caaa31b87a1459e17

Xy6J5EtNRvjyUzMCTYWw3F2QQmRoMdkKGS (Brazil)
55.3761 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Brazil)
0 betcoins   Spent
3,077.5014 betcoins    x6.534   +20,108.6

Xn6KuT2c7uxdmDu6DBgrGKaUh5o8F4GzfS (DR Congo)
304.501 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (DR Congo)
19,980.3586 betcoins   Spent
16,922.4986 betcoins    x1.181   +19,980.3

#2 in block #243312, 7 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: d443813ddec904b48f6deccffe5edcfe4e9492f9c17b7e41fe6e3f9a5922babe

Xt6dg3acFcLNZAH7S4KoJVXuukb3PNuypm (Italy)
102.089k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Pakistan)
20,201.915 betcoins   Spent
4,180.7484 betcoins    x4.832   +20,201.9

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Brazil)
0 betcoins   Spent
3,077.5014 betcoins    x6.534   +20,108.6

Xw6cQb2ULM6ouJCe8YgsVD9QiYE6bY9FzB (Vietnam)
242.64k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (Vietnam)
0 betcoins   Spent
15,819.2516 betcoins    x1.261   +19,947.3

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (DR Congo)
19,980.3586 betcoins   Spent
16,922.4986 betcoins    x1.181   +19,980.3