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UTXO #851111: Betcoin Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp
Amount:    0.0000 betcoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #197212 (round #3892) and spent on block #197323 (round #3894).
It added 0 betcoins to inflation.
#2 in block #197323, 7 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 1ec62dcf21897b32ec91b9228d19d29c5e90e47d50b0fa20f8459317c49342db

Xe6ep4JR2vAKj1HmVpgnBJsi7czfrKHAMm (Pakistan)
85,782.2463 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (South Korea)
0 betcoins   Spent
9,734.0877 betcoins    x2.089   +20,333.8

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Tanzania)
0 betcoins   Spent
1,752.4769 betcoins    x11.46   +20,091.4

Xe6fb61HBMfhMZcMrN2ZXKTuDSSR6wB9tA (Mexico)
236.725k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (South Africa)
19,693.4112 betcoins   Spent
10,265.9123 betcoins    x1.918   +19,693.4

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (Colombia)
19,991.2608 betcoins   Spent
18,247.5231 betcoins    x1.096   +19,991.2