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UTXO #1018432: Betcoin Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xx68hgV75s2WCF1aR2D4t9Vcbe5zsc96fh
Amount:    186,896.7370 betcoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved
This UTXO was created on block #235662 (round #4661) and spent on block #235672 (round #4661).
It added 0 betcoins to inflation.
#2 in block #235662, 5 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 380d55e174729a6396791276af75d1c265e15217323a066f9a828ad200a7479a

Xt697vDRiqnmgDmi4zgcQsqB8YSxVqnAiY (Algeria)
178.938k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Algeria)
20,310.9309 betcoins   Spent
9,782.4552 betcoins    x2.076   +20,310.9

Xx68hgV75s2WCF1aR2D4t9Vcbe5zsc96fh (Pakistan)
186.897k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (Pakistan)
0 betcoins   Spent
10,217.5449 betcoins    x1.929   +19,711.1

#3 in block #235672, 5 inputs, 5 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 83920d52eff56b6926728cc71dd8c218c69da51e0881f461fb2300007102c9de

Xt697vDRiqnmgDmi4zgcQsqB8YSxVqnAiY (Algeria)
178.938k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xm2DFzCPhBP7XEdGpKAfYj5SMNwCVLg3kp (Colombia)
20,195.7992 betcoins   Spent
4,490.1563 betcoins    x4.498   +20,195.7

Xx68hgV75s2WCF1aR2D4t9Vcbe5zsc96fh (Pakistan)
186.897k betcoins   Spent

[S] Xt2Dvum6BcVeYezeY1B26GrNYAo3Ww2KYj (India)
0 betcoins   Spent
15,509.8438 betcoins    x1.286   +19,944