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UTXO #804631: Betcoin Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xu7ca52pdfDpr7wy8DjUQwfTT4pWuexUUb
Amount:    6,983.6451 betcoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved
This UTXO was created on block #185162 (round #3651) and spent on block #185171 (round #3651).
It added 0 betcoins to inflation.
#1 in block #185162, 4 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 2567df8ebfea1a96806292164243f84e653e5d3fdf552212cd4cf5994fd8834a

Xs7bzUo1ZEnx7CUBMtCL2d2AMtW4rmNMsa (Kenya)
7,025.0932 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xv2EmL2EigifWMUgQxbwjdwYEUhQ3Cv23o (Russia)
0 betcoins   Spent
42.3766 betcoins    x2.506   +106.202

[S] Xv2EmL2EigifWMUgQxbwjdwYEUhQ3Cv23o (Mexico)
0 betcoins   Spent
42.1223 betcoins    x2.816   +118.608

Xu7ca52pdfDpr7wy8DjUQwfTT4pWuexUUb (Philippines)
6,983.6451 betcoins   Spent

[S] Xv2EmL2EigifWMUgQxbwjdwYEUhQ3Cv23o (Philippines)
0 betcoins   Spent
42.1506 betcoins    x2.280   +96.0883

#1 in block #185171, 2 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: ae94a1145cb7e488a66fee508aac0576e4b4a97b4f1a0a79373dfbf5fb921977

Xu7ca52pdfDpr7wy8DjUQwfTT4pWuexUUb (Philippines)
6,983.6451 betcoins   Spent