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Datachain Transaction: 3982dcae0f4bcead17fc56c892f9902f7caf5fb252a0cf0303f07d55fca77fd4
This transaction has 3 inputs and 3 outputs totalling 9.17719 datacoins.
37.9934 betcoins in, 37.6135 betcoins out (0.38 betcoins destroyed).
This transaction realizes 0 betcoins of unrealized gains.
Loaded in 0.00 seconds.
#9 in block #113180, 3 inputs, 3 outputs, 0.0001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 3982dcae0f4bcead17fc56c892f9902f7caf5fb252a0cf0303f07d55fca77fd4