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UTXO #557107: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to XqBc4gpTWWFw622c5GPLArVfksowpHfLb3
Amount:    406.37 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved
This UTXO was created on block #265934 (round #2544) and spent on block #266459 (round #2596)
#14 in block #265934, 65 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00100004 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 90b89d6c53d173ba48a23e2d764e6235da1c6217e9681f065378fac85ac6c7ed

Xi6iDhSpNr9xuJe9TJgkbcrMJL9Fg5jysR (Buy LBP)
668.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy LBP)
3,241.49 mimecoins   Spent
5B LBP - 52,500   Details

Xh6jbbmYuspaRK8zfuvr3SDEyQVQAmnN3Y (Sell LBP)
372.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell LBP)
1,758.51 mimecoins   Spent
-5B LBP + 57,500   Details

Xf6kcmXqKBYqpEprqq1eUqTDpfmrq5wD5Y (Buy LKR)
668.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy LKR)
3,243.25 mimecoins   Spent
25M LKR - 80,000   Details

Xs6mvJhjR3WhBgkqWtC5HmbmvVEccwShUd (Sell LKR)
372.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell LKR)
1,756.75 mimecoins   Spent
-25M LKR + 85,000   Details

Xe6njSVfr5awNiWFYj57CzFHbyLVAL66f3 (Buy LSL)
512.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy LSL)
2,213 mimecoins   Spent
1.25M LSL - 63,750   Details

Xt6oqSXU5HzHXLrunjcX7dszrs3ScCeNCw (Sell LSL)
529.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell LSL)
2,787 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25M LSL + 68,750   Details

Xn6peo827mpNByuxX6siaLkUtyad7nzwe1 (Buy LYD)
377.82 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy LYD)
1,652 mimecoins   Spent
250k LYD - 50,000   Details

664.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell LYD)
3,348 mimecoins   Spent
-250k LYD + 55,000   Details

Xk6rfxwbqrKbXAS8AkPZBQR96gSy2FV1w5 (Buy MAD)
284.1 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy MAD)
1,363.49 mimecoins   Spent
625k MAD - 60,625   Details

Xr6sLydjvuHsZegipKtbd27tJyV9RQSUSi (Sell MAD)
757.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell MAD)
3,636.51 mimecoins   Spent
-625k MAD + 65,625   Details

Xc6t23c28BxCuHvo9TmZNW16sWsXPMjnc1 (Buy MDL)
588.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy MDL)
2,853.16 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666M MDL - 91,666.5   Details

Xh6uBroY5Y24HHkgY1NyTYNZJUxPiU1DC9 (Sell MDL)
453.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell MDL)
2,146.83 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666M MDL + 96,666.5   Details

Xe6xiHhitXbVpdPES5eHYQLPc7GG6zpR8u (Buy MKD)
548.1 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy MKD)
2,162.99 mimecoins   Spent
5M MKD - 85,000   Details

Xu6yo3zEw9GtVj4PQSmqUU19399QS2MroX (Sell MKD)
493.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell MKD)
2,837.01 mimecoins   Spent
-5M MKD + 90,000   Details

Xf6zHoWBNiKwD3GumtJ1o6v3ZfZfwckLHm (Buy MMK)
562.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy MMK)
2,732.32 mimecoins   Spent
166.666M MMK - 76,666.5   Details

Xx71NGYHk47ni5645ok6rfMBFAWfJ8orXY (Sell MMK)
479.03 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell MMK)
2,267.67 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666M MMK + 81,666.5   Details

Xx72oVbDskk7FNQah7ytegvFAY48RSmpZ5 (Buy MOP)
424.33 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy MOP)
2,054.49 mimecoins   Spent
500k MOP - 60,000   Details

Xx73tVnQ5kDYJFJYJq7piNTvqUpd1FWAL4 (Sell MOP)
617.49 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell MOP)
2,945.51 mimecoins   Spent
-500k MOP + 65,000   Details

Xp74oxjhtXAQDDa23pUfouJbmu4jKmvGAa (Buy MUR)
560.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy MUR)
2,319 mimecoins   Spent
5M MUR - 105k   Details

Xb75gjpoSTbuS9PnKmM9j3hbWGJQZmG5y5 (Sell MUR)
481.63 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell MUR)
2,681 mimecoins   Spent
-5M MUR + 110k   Details

Xe767Va4nkGtzR9bGCnpAYa2y8xbLxRhwz (Buy MVR)
598.94 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy MVR)
2,874.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667M MVR - 105k   Details

Xm77C1zvMz91LR2n2Hw3ek7y1g8sDoR3sL (Sell MVR)
442.88 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell MVR)
2,125.51 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667M MVR + 110k   Details

Xb784KHiQuGdMe8o8Dp6MskhfHSuX5axZe (Buy MWK)
476.56 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy MWK)
2,287.16 mimecoins   Spent
166.666M MWK - 93,333.1   Details

Xv79k4GhZUSjphvh8J1ocqaefQ7W6Sngki (Sell MWK)
565.26 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell MWK)
2,712.83 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666M MWK + 98,333.1   Details

Xk7AVLjFh2NwUyGdE5kUjVELCtfNvpB8Tq (Buy MXN)
475.7 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy MXN)
1,930.33 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667M MXN - 98,333.3   Details

Xn7BD5whFvBRG8vMaqyo9GUtWLyR9jFufw (Sell MXN)
566.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell MXN)
3,069.67 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667M MXN + 103.333k   Details

Xx7C7hpkAsfZn4aJPF5dQ9P5Jw1Fv27dkm (Buy MYR)
607.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy MYR)
2,859.49 mimecoins   Spent
250k MYR - 50,000   Details

Xc7DqtJt833dp6iftWBqz1LAXRpbe1aK7h (Sell MYR)
434.44 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell MYR)
2,140.51 mimecoins   Spent
-250k MYR + 55,000   Details

Xg7Ep7namiCD5MJvxMj7CUqgq2TfbgP1op (Buy MZN)
519.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy MZN)
2,492.66 mimecoins   Spent
3.33333M MZN - 49,999.9   Details

Xp7F6k4A7TMG1qGYuxyhx7Lit8sgWVRS7o (Sell MZN)
522.44 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell MZN)
2,507.33 mimecoins   Spent
-3.33333M MZN + 54,999.9   Details

Xy6gGrQrRuT7JZd6f4y4SLXbJjKb9PUsV8 (Buy LAK)
474.47 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy LAK)
2,294.16 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666B LAK - 76,666.5   Details

Xu6hh8LFv6bWxMQz2qqwfUjYfraGJEXAJT (Sell LAK)
572.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell LAK)
2,705.83 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666B LAK + 81,666.5   Details

XjBUf6nM5hUUtdcr6ZVHUJenFVjSbQvzRV (Buy TWD)
487.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy TWD)
1,837.75 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M TWD - 75,000   Details

XoBV2eQGCvdQGXd34R2sFhovnPrVShn4tU (Sell TWD)
554.83 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell TWD)
3,162.25 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M TWD + 80,000   Details

XxBWcXoxbwuyG8NbpQwmJA1B3dZbKtKVFL (Buy TZS)
415.34 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy TZS)
1,469.24 mimecoins   Spent
250M TZS - 95,000   Details

XyBX4cNH5b5bncfkRzZT2kjrwyJTFnKqkP (Sell TZS)
626.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell TZS)
3,530.76 mimecoins   Spent
-250M TZS + 100k   Details

XkBYEpudo1sR6NEkcuWFFHb8GRYyPSMCc6 (Buy UAH)
710.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy UAH)
2,786.25 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UAH - 60,000   Details

XiBZNWhMmHN9SFvfHsyinjWz1u2uA5FfSa (Sell UAH)
331.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell UAH)
2,213.75 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UAH + 65,000   Details

XgBaSDNrUjPjwZrRPVfhJtnQaFuxB3sUov (Buy UGX)
671.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy UGX)
3,105 mimecoins   Spent
250M UGX - 62,500   Details

XwBbCTDyNgKA9d6kgVm62xbL93opAdtDZz (Sell UGX)
370.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell UGX)
1,895 mimecoins   Spent
-250M UGX + 67,500   Details

XqBc4gpTWWFw622c5GPLArVfksowpHfLb3 (Buy UYU)
406.37 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy UYU)
2,607.49 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UYU - 62,500   Details

XxBd3GiegUxZowk5yhzQBTs5Lbd6b8HP4E (Sell UYU)
635.75 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell UYU)
2,392.51 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UYU + 67,500   Details

XvBer2BaGXURDEy4ULjoHCqeux6rrkRKCp (Buy UZS)
556.94 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy UZS)
2,136.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.25B UZS - 96,249.8   Details

XrBf9Ts5rkSv1bjxt3q9hgoHHq61qorSBc (Sell UZS)
485.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell UZS)
2,863.5 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25B UZS + 101.25k   Details

XgBgeD3itMYVgbrYLoLQMD2TpVTryqX2pi (Buy VND)
473.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy VND)
2,167.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667B VND - 63,333.3   Details

XqBh9ht3tQxYAGK264KCDswGjN9pbfvu2v (Sell VND)
568.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell VND)
2,832.51 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667B VND + 68,333.3   Details

XwBiJXMfbnSyGtAhawxSXvo1MU8jkfQtnE (Buy VUV)
503.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy VUV)
2,300.79 mimecoins   Spent
10M VUV - 79,000   Details

XhBjcFchXXZn5WJ3Jxc1Zwt3dRAdcngLLS (Sell VUV)
538.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell VUV)
2,699.21 mimecoins   Spent
-10M VUV + 84,000   Details

XsBk72JCaNP8CNktf8QMp8p68MFEbwbarR (Buy XAF)
532.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy XAF)
2,434.99 mimecoins   Spent
33.3333M XAF - 51,666.6   Details

XrBm2cPHGm72yKFmma6Hfz4RV9ChxzPStm (Sell XAF)
509.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell XAF)
2,565 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333M XAF + 56,666.6   Details

XcBns6uHW6jzJRa3CiDeXyQHb948nwvXVF (Buy XAG)
778.26 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy XAG)
4,228.98 mimecoins   Spent
2,500 XAG - 67,499.9   Details

XyBokoyaJ1EvTnLPYgTMwLXbHT9A6hHNGg (Sell XAG)
263.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell XAG)
771 mimecoins   Spent
-2,500.01 XAG + 72,500.2   Details

XrBpoc5AcjWBtoew4N1eMvokRpuG59hzA1 (Buy XAU)
392.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy XAU)
2,177.76 mimecoins   Spent
23.5842 XAU - 54,243.6   Details

XnBqnHiVdiNJHJDW5yogQWde4dKbbwMX4Y (Sell XAU)
649.76 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell XAU)
2,792.73 mimecoins   Spent
-25.9403 XAU + 64,850.7   Details

XhBrExTajoz6BKDvbwaaX35kK3Ddgyd9jT (Buy XCD)
522.42 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy XCD)
2,506.5 mimecoins   Spent
250k XCD - 90,000   Details

XeBs19uP8tXJQZc2TWJjHZzRajBgPhWPKk (Sell XCD)
519.71 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell XCD)
2,493.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250k XCD + 95,000   Details

XfBthrpjX5u4Q1sQ94qBG9o5XP5kaz18c7 (Buy XOF)
532.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy XOF)
2,489.99 mimecoins   Spent
33.3333M XOF - 51,666.6   Details

XhBuaZf9FJxUuNWpvXZSBopwkAmD178wLf (Sell XOF)
509.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell XOF)
2,509.99 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333M XOF + 56,666.6   Details

XhBvgY6o5N9jiLRxpx8PzpL87PT324dpEs (Buy XPF)
547.22 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy XPF)
1,927.99 mimecoins   Spent
10M XPF - 87,000   Details

XjBwDUzbZxovzY5S54Pv1jginYdJRQ7T5S (Sell XPF)
494.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell XPF)
3,072 mimecoins   Spent
-10M XPF + 92,000   Details

XnBx6wcGUCh5F3NsSkPq79X1aQR64UaJRz (Buy YER)
491.88 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy YER)
2,360 mimecoins   Spent
25M YER - 97,500   Details

XsByrV2y3spafpt15NVHMijysNZ22q6y2g (Sell YER)
550.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell YER)
2,640 mimecoins   Spent
-25M YER + 102.5k   Details

XoBzpQB5j1yF16KjhypEwAXBEq19ZNhoZz (Buy ZAR)
580.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy ZAR)
2,095.71 mimecoins   Spent
1.55307M ZAR - 79,206.5   Details

XsC1pTMbFjkWjAymq5euL14n3rEHB3ChUe (Sell ZAR)
461.56 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell ZAR)
3,029.73 mimecoins   Spent
-1.83553M ZAR + 99,118.9   Details

#4 in block #266459, 57 inputs, 57 outputs, 0.00100003 datacoin tx fee.
TX: a24cb0d680df583dbf25e15e89e64eb62526233c90d9b752a6bdc6e0f1d79c6a

XjBUf6nM5hUUtdcr6ZVHUJenFVjSbQvzRV (Buy TWD)
487.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy TWD)
1,837.75 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M TWD - 75,000   Details

XoBV2eQGCvdQGXd34R2sFhovnPrVShn4tU (Sell TWD)
554.83 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell TWD)
3,162.25 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M TWD + 80,000   Details

XxBWcXoxbwuyG8NbpQwmJA1B3dZbKtKVFL (Buy TZS)
415.34 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy TZS)
1,469.24 mimecoins   Spent
250M TZS - 95,000   Details

XyBX4cNH5b5bncfkRzZT2kjrwyJTFnKqkP (Sell TZS)
626.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell TZS)
3,530.76 mimecoins   Spent
-250M TZS + 100k   Details

XkBYEpudo1sR6NEkcuWFFHb8GRYyPSMCc6 (Buy UAH)
710.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy UAH)
2,786.25 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UAH - 60,000   Details

XiBZNWhMmHN9SFvfHsyinjWz1u2uA5FfSa (Sell UAH)
331.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell UAH)
2,213.75 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UAH + 65,000   Details

XgBaSDNrUjPjwZrRPVfhJtnQaFuxB3sUov (Buy UGX)
671.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy UGX)
3,105 mimecoins   Spent
250M UGX - 62,500   Details

XwBbCTDyNgKA9d6kgVm62xbL93opAdtDZz (Sell UGX)
370.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell UGX)
1,895 mimecoins   Spent
-250M UGX + 67,500   Details

XqBc4gpTWWFw622c5GPLArVfksowpHfLb3 (Buy UYU)
406.37 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy UYU)
2,607.49 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UYU - 62,500   Details

XxBd3GiegUxZowk5yhzQBTs5Lbd6b8HP4E (Sell UYU)
635.75 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell UYU)
2,392.51 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UYU + 67,500   Details

XvBer2BaGXURDEy4ULjoHCqeux6rrkRKCp (Buy UZS)
556.94 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy UZS)
2,136.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.25B UZS - 96,249.8   Details

XrBf9Ts5rkSv1bjxt3q9hgoHHq61qorSBc (Sell UZS)
485.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell UZS)
2,863.5 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25B UZS + 101.25k   Details

XgBgeD3itMYVgbrYLoLQMD2TpVTryqX2pi (Buy VND)
473.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy VND)
2,167.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667B VND - 63,333.3   Details

XqBh9ht3tQxYAGK264KCDswGjN9pbfvu2v (Sell VND)
568.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell VND)
2,832.51 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667B VND + 68,333.3   Details

XwBiJXMfbnSyGtAhawxSXvo1MU8jkfQtnE (Buy VUV)
503.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy VUV)
2,300.79 mimecoins   Spent
10M VUV - 79,000   Details

XhBjcFchXXZn5WJ3Jxc1Zwt3dRAdcngLLS (Sell VUV)
538.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell VUV)
2,699.21 mimecoins   Spent
-10M VUV + 84,000   Details

XsBk72JCaNP8CNktf8QMp8p68MFEbwbarR (Buy XAF)
532.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy XAF)
2,434.99 mimecoins   Spent
33.3333M XAF - 51,666.6   Details

XrBm2cPHGm72yKFmma6Hfz4RV9ChxzPStm (Sell XAF)
509.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell XAF)
2,565 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333M XAF + 56,666.6   Details

XcBns6uHW6jzJRa3CiDeXyQHb948nwvXVF (Buy XAG)
778.26 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy XAG)
4,228.98 mimecoins   Spent
2,500 XAG - 67,499.9   Details

XyBokoyaJ1EvTnLPYgTMwLXbHT9A6hHNGg (Sell XAG)
263.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell XAG)
771 mimecoins   Spent
-2,500.01 XAG + 72,500.2   Details

XrBpoc5AcjWBtoew4N1eMvokRpuG59hzA1 (Buy XAU)
392.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy XAU)
2,177.76 mimecoins   Spent
23.5842 XAU - 54,243.6   Details

XnBqnHiVdiNJHJDW5yogQWde4dKbbwMX4Y (Sell XAU)
649.76 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell XAU)
2,792.73 mimecoins   Spent
-25.9403 XAU + 64,850.7   Details

XhBrExTajoz6BKDvbwaaX35kK3Ddgyd9jT (Buy XCD)
522.42 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy XCD)
2,506.5 mimecoins   Spent
250k XCD - 90,000   Details

XeBs19uP8tXJQZc2TWJjHZzRajBgPhWPKk (Sell XCD)
519.71 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell XCD)
2,493.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250k XCD + 95,000   Details

XmBQsevGPyeibSzYa1Jbv5m7fMs3RCkVWD (Buy TRY)
427.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy TRY)
1,930.99 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M TRY - 75,000   Details

XfBRvYuFbfM3uMYFAnRsADkm5qFw1Snj7Y (Sell TRY)
617.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell TRY)
3,069.01 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M TRY + 80,000   Details

XpBSFVWo927u5ojiuRQ7n8wTYS18AAbVsj (Buy TTD)
536.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy TTD)
2,416.66 mimecoins   Spent
333.333k TTD - 46,666.6   Details

XvBTs5ZD1YvEYdwgPpPUoqffEsfEnaBVFY (Sell TTD)
508.49 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell TTD)
2,583.33 mimecoins   Spent
-333.333k TTD + 51,666.6   Details

XmAk3is9NY51vd3L8fYeTkMho8rnfkdoHj (Buy TTD)
512.39 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy TTD)
2,419.99 mimecoins   Spent
333.333k TTD - 46,666.6   Details

XtAmfsrURZ2yfDW6Uk9pYgUvFWN5WkfkmN (Sell TTD)
528.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell TTD)
2,580 mimecoins   Spent
-333.333k TTD + 51,666.6   Details

XuAncgj2boC4rupDgGt6w1pwH5uertwpvE (Buy TWD)
338.93 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy TWD)
1,686.74 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M TWD - 75,000   Details

XuAo5yYkFiqEfXmc4ypsYn9o1nmzhSXrTM (Sell TWD)
701.53 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell TWD)
3,313.26 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M TWD + 80,000   Details

XfApHgFauJBVceoKcL7p6Say3x1oRMhHMa (Buy TZS)
537.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy TZS)
2,683.32 mimecoins   Spent
166.666M TZS - 61,666.5   Details

XuAqSW4N5ryUhorYmzuM6NUpaYgAbJ1YRw (Sell TZS)
502.71 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell TZS)
2,316.67 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666M TZS + 66,666.5   Details

XgAre7B8BoZ3DAGVxgYmdwNtxQB5app9kU (Buy UAH)
587.34 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy UAH)
3,169.99 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UAH - 60,000   Details

XoAsC5pX63rqW8dJhpiqaA93cwo8kNZ4hL (Sell UAH)
453.12 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell UAH)
1,830.01 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UAH + 65,000   Details

XgAtaWMV3scEMhRGz9AvEEUogE1xgqjtxH (Buy UGX)
619.64 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy UGX)
3,079.49 mimecoins   Spent
250M UGX - 62,500   Details

XjAuaskgfoh7b78Fa3QL3tM5zhc4LLrAR9 (Sell UGX)
420.81 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell UGX)
1,920.51 mimecoins   Spent
-250M UGX + 67,500   Details

XeAvSPFQi7vMwBtLum4A7phFVyEy6nqHrC (Buy UYU)
486.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy UYU)
2,225.24 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UYU - 62,500   Details

XfAwGq4VLjUxxxRwVuxcGn1QTT7gMYYDxX (Sell UYU)
553.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell UYU)
2,774.76 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UYU + 67,500   Details

XrAxTajFsVrfwJrmVE3hEuRn12dxWR3N8o (Buy UZS)
450.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy UZS)
2,699.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.25B UZS - 96,250   Details

XeAyJBvobRJ9zzotvrSrQLAhPPQtVZo2XL (Sell UZS)
589.88 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell UZS)
2,300.51 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25B UZS + 101.25k   Details

XcAzkGCGKubas3467DuZiFkCxmq4XnNaqJ (Buy VND)
442.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy VND)
2,425.82 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666B VND - 63,333.2   Details

XwB1JDtpxrpdN4fMrH8F4cmMQVNzDuUTPT (Sell VND)
597.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell VND)
2,574.17 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666B VND + 68,333.2   Details

XyB2ppaHpAqPw9QYpT1FcByoeEFEALsdyf (Buy VUV)
584.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy VUV)
3,716.99 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M VUV - 98,749.8   Details

XuB3byo1ZywdnMHG5qTd1sQrSpLVPr8CHZ (Sell VUV)
455.8 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell VUV)
1,283 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M VUV + 103.75k   Details

XnB4WDjzH3UQ3e5uJDX92hgJ4kFeVH8Dpr (Buy XAF)
501.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy XAF)
2,879.32 mimecoins   Spent
33.3333M XAF - 51,666.6   Details

XvB5KPNnys1xwvCjYLnHVrj3nr3hzeMvX1 (Sell XAF)
539.09 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell XAF)
2,120.67 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333M XAF + 56,666.6   Details

XsB6d8npEhdYAq1U7aM9vGRqfJ4M9xA1d6 (Buy XAG)
499.28 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy XAG)
2,034.99 mimecoins   Spent
1,666.67 XAG - 43,333.3   Details

XeB7nj1eDqMHS6ASiVnWkeVygLUmkYD8HU (Sell XAG)
541.17 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell XAG)
2,964.99 mimecoins   Spent
-1,666.66 XAG + 48,333.2   Details

XnB8Mv6rmb7iPHLJrzuSVzWGHDw2RBNVpv (Buy XAU)
738.31 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy XAU)
3,411.24 mimecoins   Spent
25 XAU - 55,000   Details

XsB9ftMRqcqvRDmhLrRyfhxohWHY5NUMMc (Sell XAU)
302.14 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell XAU)
1,588.75 mimecoins   Spent
-25.0001 XAU + 60,000.1   Details

XyBAm52RTGrho1udzUp9SKzhobyPu7ABrc (Buy XCD)
521.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy XCD)
2,506.5 mimecoins   Spent
250k XCD - 90,000   Details

XxBBvG914dg2SQVBwwn8byF7ouzu4vxoQq (Sell XCD)
518.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell XCD)
2,493.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250k XCD + 95,000   Details

501.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy XOF)
2,879.66 mimecoins   Spent
33.3333M XOF - 51,666.6   Details

XrBDpibw8RkrGQx1mLZ5Eji4V18PMnxsjd (Sell XOF)
539.09 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell XOF)
2,120.33 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333M XOF + 56,666.6   Details