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UTXO #360774: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK
Amount:    2,837.51 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #257548 (round #1705) and spent on block #258342 (round #1785)
#6 in block #257548, 33 inputs, 33 outputs, 0.00100006 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 4bd84876249b9ed7a962158bc4f8d6832723e1f357ebedc7e7767b8fe266fb17

XhCznfkqz3r4f5ttPMkLD5SUHCV4ZboiMv (Buy TWD)
489.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy TWD)
2,152.24 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M TWD - 77,500   Details

XuD1EjJpC1Esgj74yfvag8hKEZt4PuyQw4 (Sell TWD)
668.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell TWD)
2,847.76 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M TWD + 82,500   Details

XcD24jZWmHhvjjp16QbKeKx7oh9qpBP5xm (Buy TZS)
498.84 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy TZS)
2,283.49 mimecoins   Spent
166.667M TZS - 63,333.3   Details

658.83 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell TZS)
2,716.51 mimecoins   Spent
-166.667M TZS + 68,333.3   Details

XxD4EeB7usGb2STuRxJNUdgoDQo8bHwJcB (Buy UAH)
350.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy UAH)
620.25 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UAH - 65,000   Details

XpD5VwDtDakeAn432RVLwotB1yBnSxE4C1 (Sell UAH)
806.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell UAH)
4,379.75 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UAH + 70,000   Details

XgD6VKVWemEqEhDJe2vVBqYo2JqqSu7gvs (Buy UGX)
562.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy UGX)
2,097.49 mimecoins   Spent
250M UGX - 62,500   Details

XnD7vB9RUuSaYyqE51goPu5QoV61LGcyZr (Sell UGX)
595.45 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell UGX)
2,902.51 mimecoins   Spent
-250M UGX + 67,500   Details

XbD8okcmEgKjFJiR8YhVjPRhhbgckD843o (Buy UYU)
362.35 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy UYU)
1,311.75 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UYU - 62,500   Details

XbD9LumQJkCfaVaKcqRj3Lw38sngnystKG (Sell UYU)
795.33 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell UYU)
3,688.25 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UYU + 67,500   Details

XnCtJ5ewEom38WE1dZC1yREkLbeRdMDn2D (Buy TND)
497.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy TND)
1,969.75 mimecoins   Spent
250k TND - 77,500   Details

XoCuzFHgzwUohnQwK6yVkWuRK6MyePfUFA (Sell TND)
523.71 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell TND)
3,030.25 mimecoins   Spent
-250k TND + 82,500   Details

XiCvydZsKvb3edvQmzHcyANLzXN4V9VG2b (Buy TRY)
535.11 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy TRY)
2,524.16 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666M TRY - 51,666.6   Details

XmCwxM7j9TsVs9YtPesakygx1kgAtvDZ97 (Sell TRY)
485.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell TRY)
2,475.83 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666M TRY + 56,666.6   Details

518.7 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy TTD)
2,544.66 mimecoins   Spent
333.333k TTD - 46,666.7   Details

XhCy5fj9C9RQ27xYPNNY6e93RLBRVWpiFa (Sell TTD)
502.37 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell TTD)
2,455.34 mimecoins   Spent
-333.333k TTD + 51,666.7   Details

Xf8NDV4nPukpriKr4CpLwYodNxaRMsLjJR (Buy XAF)
471.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy XAF)
2,162.49 mimecoins   Spent
50M XAF - 80,000   Details

Xf8PvRjCZ5A8qmbXs9qzZ3aRQzVikBTuRU (Sell XAF)
635.43 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell XAF)
2,837.51 mimecoins   Spent
-50M XAF + 85,000   Details

Xh8Q3SAXzc98iSMPdBNVcdEzuxJqohLTay (Buy XAG)
771.52 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy XAG)
2,448.99 mimecoins   Spent
2,500 XAG - 55,000   Details

Xd8RyZbqVAwuZzkBmgnNyWNBCj7oqPTqae (Sell XAG)
334.92 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell XAG)
2,551 mimecoins   Spent
-2,500 XAG + 60,000   Details

Xt8SoLU9qYX6iVVhat2YwJghjpWeQ2GNpx (Buy XAU)
457.84 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy XAU)
2,204.32 mimecoins   Spent
33.3334 XAU - 65,000.1   Details

Xr8T4v3ufZaegv3SVTpMLayiPoNz26XSBx (Sell XAU)
648.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell XAU)
2,795.67 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333 XAU + 70,000   Details

Xr8Uv1uNhAuZRsEPtAycabWFFKFusTQkdY (Buy XCD)
554.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy XCD)
2,506.5 mimecoins   Spent
250k XCD - 90,000   Details

Xd8VZ98WCTSNZYbeaReuGJPyBjdStvFvyG (Sell XCD)
551.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell XCD)
2,493.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250k XCD + 95,000   Details

Xm8W9fwFLVT8Rt4KYCbQJ83pV3gjZMfMY7 (Buy XOF)
435.27 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy XOF)
2,162.49 mimecoins   Spent
50M XOF - 80,000   Details

Xs8X9WWCSBtxtTCLymrbjpvPrPbrdz3TCm (Sell XOF)
671.17 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell XOF)
2,837.51 mimecoins   Spent
-50M XOF + 85,000   Details

Xr8YQQyqiK9EenjUfua9NBWSxDMb1E2rbw (Buy XPF)
544.45 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy XPF)
2,460.37 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M XPF - 110k   Details

561.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell XPF)
2,539.62 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M XPF + 115k   Details

Xg8ao746Y5kcbsJf38PTGznN5KsKDEGm3Z (Buy YER)
522.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy YER)
2,360 mimecoins   Spent
25M YER - 97,500   Details

Xh8b7yJcnoyuYSjo6owv76j2FQgoheGjSE (Sell YER)
584.2 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell YER)
2,640 mimecoins   Spent
-25M YER + 102.5k   Details

Xi8cirdWPkvVwsVkpU4dugCfq85dEEFnM7 (Buy ZAR)
555.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy ZAR)
2,129.74 mimecoins   Spent
1.25M ZAR - 63,749.9   Details

550.81 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell ZAR)
2,870.25 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25M ZAR + 68,749.9   Details

#11 in block #258342, 65 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00100001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 2932a398082f612f53ac9fc28e420560647c9a22208c09889c262915f5197699

Xf8NDV4nPukpriKr4CpLwYodNxaRMsLjJR (Buy XAF)
471.01 mimecoins   Spent

Xt6ScfxwBbC44VX4SMZt5wpaNWZ9B3Zi7K (Buy LBP)
602.91 mimecoins   Spent

Xc8eNQMdyYHoWqjBXCUMBmwq94rUZgtj4g (Buy AED)
672.64 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy AED)
3,065.74 mimecoins   Spent
250k AED - 64,999.9   Details

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy LBP)
2,904.99 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667B LBP - 108.333k   Details

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy XAF)
2,162.49 mimecoins   Spent
50M XAF - 80,000   Details

Xd8fgvYNaDKVC3g9YczfgsqkxoAeRLwXLS (Sell AED)
425.1 mimecoins   Spent

Xu6TD9qKoqSCxjAuaAmhye8tu9unEZu3eU (Sell LBP)
554.75 mimecoins   Spent

Xf8PvRjCZ5A8qmbXs9qzZ3aRQzVikBTuRU (Sell XAF)
635.43 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell LBP)
2,095.01 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667B LBP + 113.333k   Details

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell AED)
1,934.25 mimecoins   Spent
-250k AED + 70,000.1   Details

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell XAF)
2,837.51 mimecoins   Spent
-50M XAF + 85,000   Details

Xh8Q3SAXzc98iSMPdBNVcdEzuxJqohLTay (Buy XAG)
771.52 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy XAG)
2,448.99 mimecoins   Spent
2,500 XAG - 55,000   Details

Xd8RyZbqVAwuZzkBmgnNyWNBCj7oqPTqae (Sell XAG)
334.92 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell XAG)
2,551 mimecoins   Spent
-2,500 XAG + 60,000   Details

Xt8SoLU9qYX6iVVhat2YwJghjpWeQ2GNpx (Buy XAU)
457.84 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy XAU)
2,204.32 mimecoins   Spent
33.3334 XAU - 65,000.1   Details

Xr8T4v3ufZaegv3SVTpMLayiPoNz26XSBx (Sell XAU)
648.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell XAU)
2,795.67 mimecoins   Spent
-33.3333 XAU + 70,000   Details

Xr8Uv1uNhAuZRsEPtAycabWFFKFusTQkdY (Buy XCD)
554.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy XCD)
2,506.5 mimecoins   Spent
250k XCD - 90,000   Details

Xd8VZ98WCTSNZYbeaReuGJPyBjdStvFvyG (Sell XCD)
551.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell XCD)
2,493.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250k XCD + 95,000   Details

Xm8W9fwFLVT8Rt4KYCbQJ83pV3gjZMfMY7 (Buy XOF)
435.27 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy XOF)
2,162.49 mimecoins   Spent
50M XOF - 80,000   Details

Xs8X9WWCSBtxtTCLymrbjpvPrPbrdz3TCm (Sell XOF)
671.17 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell XOF)
2,837.51 mimecoins   Spent
-50M XOF + 85,000   Details

Xr8YQQyqiK9EenjUfua9NBWSxDMb1E2rbw (Buy XPF)
544.45 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy XPF)
2,460.37 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M XPF - 110k   Details

561.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell XPF)
2,539.62 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M XPF + 115k   Details

Xg8ao746Y5kcbsJf38PTGznN5KsKDEGm3Z (Buy YER)
522.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy YER)
2,360 mimecoins   Spent
25M YER - 97,500   Details

Xh8b7yJcnoyuYSjo6owv76j2FQgoheGjSE (Sell YER)
584.2 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell YER)
2,640 mimecoins   Spent
-25M YER + 102.5k   Details

Xh8AMHm5Ht9pmPBLKcc6QBZBkchLs7G8wR (Buy UAH)
647.26 mimecoins   Spent

Xi8cirdWPkvVwsVkpU4dugCfq85dEEFnM7 (Buy ZAR)
555.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy UAH)
2,785.99 mimecoins   Spent
2.5M UAH - 62,500   Details

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy ZAR)
2,129.74 mimecoins   Spent
1.25M ZAR - 63,749.9   Details

550.81 mimecoins   Spent

Xk8BCjKKpgsxgw4Rm7F8openSdzpNUJPjz (Sell UAH)
379.48 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell ZAR)
2,870.25 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25M ZAR + 68,749.9   Details

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell UAH)
2,214.01 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5M UAH + 67,500   Details

Xc8CjN6Xa6LWo6h857Mt83WKoYAGCHQq9U (Buy UGX)
414.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy UGX)
1,983.25 mimecoins   Spent
250M UGX - 62,500   Details

Xt8DjZEQcG5dQWnEFcJULVn7LenQzWQd5c (Sell UGX)
612.2 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell UGX)
3,016.75 mimecoins   Spent
-250M UGX + 67,500   Details

Xd8EV4tmnq77GHL6iQvjspVV5zbj1Az7E3 (Buy UYU)
514.02 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy UYU)
2,611.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666M UYU - 39,999.9   Details

Xm8FQrsWWVXWXhBRUcBuqgtawjKCqwB6xc (Sell UYU)
512.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell UYU)
2,388.5 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666M UYU + 44,999.9   Details

505.16 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy UZS)
3,768.24 mimecoins   Spent
1.25B UZS - 97,500   Details

Xy8HYJTLC7pddFqNP1oHEim36GopYN9Zru (Sell UZS)
521.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell UZS)
1,231.76 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25B UZS + 102.5k   Details

Xc8JtMw1AKXqiURsjeUFFpiRFi5Lgq9P9k (Buy VND)
604.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy VND)
2,923.16 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667B VND - 65,000   Details

Xb8Kqr5BDnof4oL1UA1v2Ei6BFt2aYFjF8 (Sell VND)
422.2 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell VND)
2,076.84 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667B VND + 70,000   Details

Xr8LEnB5rBL3M26xADm1P6py9xYFNrxDVh (Buy VUV)
591.53 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy VUV)
4,663.49 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M VUV - 99,999.8   Details

Xx8MVvMn4GEqKamiuuzzJ2ghiso1phZqCd (Sell VUV)
435.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell VUV)
336.5 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M VUV + 105k   Details

XoEed68uFoZPDT1eu2dWStJg7JKcRkpqx5 (Buy INR)
604.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy INR)
2,829.5 mimecoins   Spent
5M INR - 57,500   Details

XmEfvEVee6mNvJ36GqNjTKnjv9LB5zAiZq (Sell INR)
474.41 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell INR)
2,170.49 mimecoins   Spent
-4.99999M INR + 62,499.9   Details

XkEgdHAoxHzT3d77GE4FcYLCwzJCaCnWaZ (Buy IQD)
545.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy IQD)
2,335.9 mimecoins   Spent
100M IQD - 74,000   Details

XhEhKrH5f5zBqK7MKfke8HhXFYMVttwYWT (Sell IQD)
533.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell IQD)
2,664.1 mimecoins   Spent
-100M IQD + 79,000   Details

Xv66RDmTJvQ4tVboPbwWgBAznQveTqvJCk (Buy IRR)
427.63 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy IRR)
2,023.74 mimecoins   Spent
2.5B IRR - 57,500   Details

651.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell IRR)
2,976.26 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5B IRR + 62,500   Details

Xo68S63No7m6kS2hcqvADrtaDN3SJ5vBvC (Buy ISK)
475.98 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy ISK)
1,961.12 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M ISK - 88,750   Details

Xd69oNBXAXqou6sippmLVVLab2xdDcCidW (Sell ISK)
603.22 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell ISK)
3,038.88 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M ISK + 93,750   Details

Xm6AvmYc5hFxWWBo2YCBTrvx4Nnqqocp9V (Buy JMD)
547.64 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy JMD)
2,403.25 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JMD - 77,500   Details

Xg6BJp97fiyi6e9Uc9MfudQEzi3MK7wate (Sell JMD)
531.56 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell JMD)
2,596.75 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JMD + 82,500   Details

Xi6CEHPyXNM8iiYGWgUQfpNHCwgse15GdP (Buy JOD)
651.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy JOD)
3,018.99 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 JOD - 67,500   Details

Xu6DzFZHrkXUJSYUyxGnpTD6wjwC7x75FR (Sell JOD)
427.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell JOD)
1,981.01 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 JOD + 72,500   Details

Xf6EGQoGy1zWu4F7gWavis9YGuGGqRRnCj (Buy JPY)
555.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy JPY)
2,391.66 mimecoins   Spent
16.6667M JPY - 108.333k   Details

Xd6FqECXXzdAgQbfmpWj3xF6nqjb2HrDSX (Sell JPY)
523.52 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell JPY)
2,608.33 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6667M JPY + 113.333k   Details

Xq6GTzcFAadf6T8GktYtakEu9CK5aZh9JV (Buy KES)
537.15 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy KES)
2,488.66 mimecoins   Spent
16.6666M KES - 111.666k   Details

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[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell KES)
2,511.33 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6666M KES + 116.666k   Details

Xe6J1X2GKTep4hc7euXGMrtiWyiauhDmJ8 (Buy KGS)
735.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy KGS)
3,409.49 mimecoins   Spent
5M KGS - 52,500   Details

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[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell KGS)
1,590.51 mimecoins   Spent
-5M KGS + 57,500   Details

Xr6LTmUnTfMmiHEJM1vkGPdnwU432q1ZHz (Buy KHR)
320.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy KHR)
1,274.5 mimecoins   Spent
250M KHR - 60,000   Details

Xe6Me1hkApHRGm5zY9WJCJPaBrwFrbgE9Z (Sell KHR)
758.89 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell KHR)
3,725.5 mimecoins   Spent
-250M KHR + 65,000   Details

Xp6No2Wc2BQ4zuXwa7NocajxqNaXEtBq9x (Buy KMF)
519.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy KMF)
2,451 mimecoins   Spent
25M KMF - 52,500   Details

Xt6PyPE8BXxuCj4NDbXoz76xT6e2pHVot3 (Sell KMF)
559.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell KMF)
2,549 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KMF + 57,500   Details

Xi6QXYfz4LNZNqoSkw6kGEXPvEhLQprKTt (Buy KRW)
602.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy KRW)
2,664.74 mimecoins   Spent
125M KRW - 91,249.8   Details

Xg6RfaUFAA8KEUacdmYHoeaFTmWVgCxvXH (Sell KRW)
477.14 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell KRW)
2,335.25 mimecoins   Spent
-125M KRW + 96,249.8   Details

Xt6ScfxwBbC44VX4SMZt5wpaNWZ9B3Zi7K (Buy KWD)
537.8 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy KWD)
2,472.32 mimecoins   Spent
16,666.6 KWD - 51,666.6   Details

Xu6TD9qKoqSCxjAuaAmhye8tu9unEZu3eU (Sell KWD)
541.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell KWD)
2,527.67 mimecoins   Spent
-16,666.6 KWD + 56,666.6   Details

Xp6UpT3hKPnqYd9f4q7xCWyYPFYokiwp3P (Buy KYD)
579.2 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy KYD)
2,515.5 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 KYD - 57,500   Details

Xu6VEV7jvVM9U6KWHb2cx71uFNgihFsSkJ (Sell KYD)
499.99 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell KYD)
2,484.5 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 KYD + 62,500   Details

Xv6WpDHpfuzBHuV6xeAatwaH7F2gKzhmBu (Buy KZT)
642.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy KZT)
3,021.49 mimecoins   Spent
25M KZT - 52,500   Details

Xk6XWSyn7SZtTiE1koyCrAVnwNewmdgFoS (Sell KZT)
436.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell KZT)
1,978.51 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KZT + 57,500   Details

Xe6YKssD6CUNJSLdgn8sujFRGwHH3dHqeK (Buy LAK)
376.28 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy LAK)
1,449.66 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666B LAK - 78,333.2   Details

Xg6ZkoWtfKnZ4Aw7qx74mwQnzSV3RougPc (Sell LAK)
702.92 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell LAK)
3,550.33 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666B LAK + 83,333.2   Details