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UTXO #493624: Forex 128 Explorer
This UTXO belongs to Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK
Amount:    3,153.00 mimecoins
Status:    Spent, Resolved, Resolved before spent
This UTXO was created on block #262761 (round #2227) and spent on block #263290 (round #2279)
#6 in block #262761, 65 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00100001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: 09182d652ee3561ba190d393c31a448ac095480ad497f02d6933c4bfb2c92cce

XjBUf6nM5hUUtdcr6ZVHUJenFVjSbQvzRV (Buy INR)
610.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy INR)
2,817.99 mimecoins   Spent
5M INR - 57,500   Details

XoBV2eQGCvdQGXd34R2sFhovnPrVShn4tU (Sell INR)
434.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell INR)
2,182 mimecoins   Spent
-5M INR + 62,500   Details

XxBWcXoxbwuyG8NbpQwmJA1B3dZbKtKVFL (Buy IQD)
610.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy IQD)
2,831.24 mimecoins   Spent
125M IQD - 92,499.8   Details

XyBX4cNH5b5bncfkRzZT2kjrwyJTFnKqkP (Sell IQD)
434.98 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell IQD)
2,168.75 mimecoins   Spent
-125M IQD + 97,499.8   Details

XkBYEpudo1sR6NEkcuWFFHb8GRYyPSMCc6 (Buy IRR)
423.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy IRR)
1,960 mimecoins   Spent
2.5B IRR - 57,500   Details

XiBZNWhMmHN9SFvfHsyinjWz1u2uA5FfSa (Sell IRR)
622.37 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell IRR)
3,040 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5B IRR + 62,500   Details

XgBaSDNrUjPjwZrRPVfhJtnQaFuxB3sUov (Buy ISK)
641.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy ISK)
3,235.86 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M ISK - 88,749.8   Details

XwBbCTDyNgKA9d6kgVm62xbL93opAdtDZz (Sell ISK)
404.19 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell ISK)
1,764.13 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M ISK + 93,749.8   Details

XqBc4gpTWWFw622c5GPLArVfksowpHfLb3 (Buy JMD)
493.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy JMD)
2,573.16 mimecoins   Spent
16.6666M JMD - 105k   Details

XxBd3GiegUxZowk5yhzQBTs5Lbd6b8HP4E (Sell JMD)
551.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell JMD)
2,426.83 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6666M JMD + 110k   Details

XvBer2BaGXURDEy4ULjoHCqeux6rrkRKCp (Buy JOD)
633.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy JOD)
3,030 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 JOD - 67,500   Details

XrBf9Ts5rkSv1bjxt3q9hgoHHq61qorSBc (Sell JOD)
411.95 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell JOD)
1,970 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 JOD + 72,500   Details

XgBgeD3itMYVgbrYLoLQMD2TpVTryqX2pi (Buy JPY)
521.42 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy JPY)
2,116.61 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JPY - 82,499.9   Details

XqBh9ht3tQxYAGK264KCDswGjN9pbfvu2v (Sell JPY)
524.14 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell JPY)
2,883.38 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JPY + 87,500.1   Details

XwBiJXMfbnSyGtAhawxSXvo1MU8jkfQtnE (Buy KES)
495.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy KES)
4,999.99 mimecoins   Spent
16.6666M KES - 115k   Details

XhBjcFchXXZn5WJ3Jxc1Zwt3dRAdcngLLS (Sell KES)
549.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell KES)
0 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6666M KES + 120k   Details

XsBk72JCaNP8CNktf8QMp8p68MFEbwbarR (Buy KGS)
712.97 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy KGS)
3,409.49 mimecoins   Spent
5M KGS - 52,500   Details

XrBm2cPHGm72yKFmma6Hfz4RV9ChxzPStm (Sell KGS)
332.59 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell KGS)
1,590.51 mimecoins   Spent
-5M KGS + 57,500   Details

XcBns6uHW6jzJRa3CiDeXyQHb948nwvXVF (Buy KHR)
342.32 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy KHR)
1,675.99 mimecoins   Spent
250M KHR - 60,000   Details

XyBokoyaJ1EvTnLPYgTMwLXbHT9A6hHNGg (Sell KHR)
703.25 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell KHR)
3,324.01 mimecoins   Spent
-250M KHR + 65,000   Details

XrBpoc5AcjWBtoew4N1eMvokRpuG59hzA1 (Buy KMF)
650.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy KMF)
2,926.25 mimecoins   Spent
25M KMF - 52,500   Details

XnBqnHiVdiNJHJDW5yogQWde4dKbbwMX4Y (Sell KMF)
395.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell KMF)
2,073.75 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KMF + 57,500   Details

XhBrExTajoz6BKDvbwaaX35kK3Ddgyd9jT (Buy KRW)
496.98 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy KRW)
2,486.74 mimecoins   Spent
125M KRW - 92,499.8   Details

XeBs19uP8tXJQZc2TWJjHZzRajBgPhWPKk (Sell KRW)
548.58 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell KRW)
2,513.25 mimecoins   Spent
-125M KRW + 97,499.8   Details

XuBLRLkfaxf5QiUvs7ig8StmbbA1bPzf5C (Buy HTG)
603.38 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy HTG)
2,948.74 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M HTG - 91,249.8   Details

XbBM534A4RRkwW37aDKrtjCcorWDXCkpZf (Sell HTG)
401.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell HTG)
2,051.25 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M HTG + 96,249.8   Details

XvBNFCxbyHSMSrCdfzPS8ENvt7ipg5SzCA (Buy HUF)
377.06 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy HUF)
949.74 mimecoins   Spent
25M HUF - 67,500   Details

XmBPWSoAriHWsy2ki9Rt3yRu7inGvNwZ8h (Sell HUF)
627.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell HUF)
4,050.26 mimecoins   Spent
-25M HUF + 72,500   Details

XmBQsevGPyeibSzYa1Jbv5m7fMs3RCkVWD (Buy IDR)
450.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy IDR)
1,981.65 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666B IDR - 105k   Details

XfBRvYuFbfM3uMYFAnRsADkm5qFw1Snj7Y (Sell IDR)
554.43 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell IDR)
3,018.33 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666B IDR + 110k   Details

XpBSFVWo927u5ojiuRQ7n8wTYS18AAbVsj (Buy ILS)
475.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy ILS)
801.99 mimecoins   Spent
250k ILS - 67,500   Details

XvBTs5ZD1YvEYdwgPpPUoqffEsfEnaBVFY (Sell ILS)
529.05 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell ILS)
4,198.01 mimecoins   Spent
-250k ILS + 72,500   Details

Xh9CeCC8jyxrp8xZ7SsdpS3JCuLeJCVXPt (Buy INR)
475.54 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy INR)
2,489.99 mimecoins   Spent
5M INR - 57,500   Details

559.82 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell INR)
2,510 mimecoins   Spent
-5M INR + 62,500   Details

Xh9EdPkGUd6meRwD3CLhKePjM86ggtpwix (Buy IQD)
604.63 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy IQD)
3,028.36 mimecoins   Spent
125M IQD - 92,499.8   Details

Xr9FS6TXMzqRn7M9YcTgQExTSvg7qBpbg4 (Sell IQD)
430.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell IQD)
1,971.63 mimecoins   Spent
-125M IQD + 97,499.8   Details

Xd9GvxgzZSvLw7rLiutubmBcK9M8rTBwpW (Buy IRR)
408.81 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy IRR)
1,956.5 mimecoins   Spent
2.5B IRR - 57,500   Details

Xg9HJH85McN96mrRXk8h5DkXn9w4dQS5wa (Sell IRR)
626.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell IRR)
3,043.5 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5B IRR + 62,500   Details

Xx9JMPwvWaXdgNBjDeAiztS3kxdt78pGTt (Buy ISK)
525.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy ISK)
2,834.16 mimecoins   Spent
16.6666M ISK - 118.333k   Details

Xc9KiiryZzgLeTexSbiNFqwLwaQaPhXzJV (Sell ISK)
510.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell ISK)
2,165.83 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6666M ISK + 123.333k   Details

Xk9LmDSbqxHQZBq6V74WPx5p9ndp5Zjt3H (Buy JMD)
524.15 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy JMD)
2,608.74 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JMD - 78,750   Details

Xf9MTXrBqw7PnerG32bRRUAhRJ9qfz3PoQ (Sell JMD)
511.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell JMD)
2,391.26 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JMD + 83,750   Details

Xm9NqRGwUnxMWHwwkqJUT7T65GfWj23nd2 (Buy JOD)
627.43 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy JOD)
3,030 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 JOD - 67,500   Details

Xt9PFJf8gHQ6RY2wLe7LSHZK6ghdvpKLk1 (Sell JOD)
407.93 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell JOD)
1,970 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 JOD + 72,500   Details

Xi9QWZ6coeemCnfgH3pyK7R4uTAeZpe16m (Buy JPY)
524.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy JPY)
2,587.86 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JPY - 80,000   Details

Xg9Rog8Z9fjMgcne2GBofFbUvSZVEf3FGX (Sell JPY)
510.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell JPY)
2,412.13 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JPY + 85,000   Details

Xg9SQpxhX86w2eUm8bqSaERc2mpWvDL8uZ (Buy KES)
602.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy KES)
3,196.24 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M KES - 91,249.8   Details

Xc9TsW1pdrkaxtGv7c6tgKvvvCW6hPNyv6 (Sell KES)
432.5 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell KES)
1,803.75 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M KES + 96,249.8   Details

Xy9U8mzxded9jLQ3DCUrs3LxzjNfJEYvbk (Buy KGS)
695.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy KGS)
3,359.5 mimecoins   Spent
5M KGS - 52,500   Details

Xy9VxErReKUGjkYTdCQyretPH3zoqtCmvC (Sell KGS)
339.7 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell KGS)
1,640.5 mimecoins   Spent
-5M KGS + 57,500   Details

Xu9W7mshYsBC2fPzxwcG6hLWt76J58rd8n (Buy KHR)
354.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy KHR)
1,847 mimecoins   Spent
250M KHR - 60,000   Details

Xc9X25V9PveZxEz9bF32VSe7KNFx2B3ghY (Sell KHR)
680.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell KHR)
3,153 mimecoins   Spent
-250M KHR + 65,000   Details

Xt9YpXv9AiRfmfUwFtk7WBVVzJnzvYz3Ku (Buy KMF)
492.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy KMF)
2,511.5 mimecoins   Spent
25M KMF - 52,500   Details

Xw9ZAXFtLUJ1qZCieLwwFeuBMZpi9PvFC5 (Sell KMF)
542.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell KMF)
2,488.5 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KMF + 57,500   Details

Xn9aYBk8jrzJ3wLCrewwhZM7ph49vbfs6F (Buy KRW)
609.18 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy KRW)
3,249.61 mimecoins   Spent
125M KRW - 89,999.8   Details

Xk9b4dcUscF3qc1fNkEX7zWgzfNuKTZ6cZ (Sell KRW)
426.18 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell KRW)
1,750.38 mimecoins   Spent
-125M KRW + 94,999.8   Details

Xp9cUXt25XYHFue3yHDeCERpioYW3EWGHx (Buy KWD)
519.96 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy KWD)
2,491.66 mimecoins   Spent
16,666.7 KWD - 51,666.7   Details

Xb9dDsbtA5bM8avYRv2xWLJuao1Ebch29V (Sell KWD)
515.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell KWD)
2,508.34 mimecoins   Spent
-16,666.7 KWD + 56,666.7   Details

Xy9eKXNttMN3PDMyrJAm1kHt1UN4LaxWU2 (Buy KYD)
529.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy KYD)
2,599 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 KYD - 57,500   Details

Xv9fkeM8Ndy5iE9E1Ekj1fDDYGgpGU2nSK (Sell KYD)
506.29 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell KYD)
2,401 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 KYD + 62,500   Details

Xj9godn58gfhsY19UeFmpVsWgDVNkX1U6J (Buy KZT)
622.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy KZT)
3,005.5 mimecoins   Spent
25M KZT - 52,500   Details

Xj9hLaqgN1yPsuwdzGSKmGSrLKYCvk2Kne (Sell KZT)
413.01 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell KZT)
1,994.5 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KZT + 57,500   Details

Xm9i4LHRivfeW8YYsHFWiXuqAcXPzRpR5b (Buy LAK)
554.85 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy LAK)
2,557.49 mimecoins   Spent
1.66667B LAK - 76,666.7   Details

Xg9jFvuWYq8y31q5p3TD6KmJX7mniVovkS (Sell LAK)
480.51 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell LAK)
2,442.51 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66667B LAK + 81,666.7   Details

#5 in block #263290, 65 inputs, 65 outputs, 0.00100001 datacoin tx fee.
TX: df3083a122018e200e9763911431c0be63d39d48fc777d3942cec04b4aabefbc

Xh9CeCC8jyxrp8xZ7SsdpS3JCuLeJCVXPt (Buy INR)
475.54 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy INR)
2,489.99 mimecoins   Spent
5M INR - 57,500   Details

559.82 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell INR)
2,510 mimecoins   Spent
-5M INR + 62,500   Details

Xh9EdPkGUd6meRwD3CLhKePjM86ggtpwix (Buy IQD)
604.63 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy IQD)
3,028.36 mimecoins   Spent
125M IQD - 92,499.8   Details

Xr9FS6TXMzqRn7M9YcTgQExTSvg7qBpbg4 (Sell IQD)
430.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell IQD)
1,971.63 mimecoins   Spent
-125M IQD + 97,499.8   Details

Xd9GvxgzZSvLw7rLiutubmBcK9M8rTBwpW (Buy IRR)
408.81 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy IRR)
1,956.5 mimecoins   Spent
2.5B IRR - 57,500   Details

Xg9HJH85McN96mrRXk8h5DkXn9w4dQS5wa (Sell IRR)
626.55 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell IRR)
3,043.5 mimecoins   Spent
-2.5B IRR + 62,500   Details

Xx9JMPwvWaXdgNBjDeAiztS3kxdt78pGTt (Buy ISK)
525.07 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy ISK)
2,834.16 mimecoins   Spent
16.6666M ISK - 118.333k   Details

Xc9KiiryZzgLeTexSbiNFqwLwaQaPhXzJV (Sell ISK)
510.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell ISK)
2,165.83 mimecoins   Spent
-16.6666M ISK + 123.333k   Details

Xk9LmDSbqxHQZBq6V74WPx5p9ndp5Zjt3H (Buy JMD)
524.15 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy JMD)
2,608.74 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JMD - 78,750   Details

Xf9MTXrBqw7PnerG32bRRUAhRJ9qfz3PoQ (Sell JMD)
511.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell JMD)
2,391.26 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JMD + 83,750   Details

Xm9NqRGwUnxMWHwwkqJUT7T65GfWj23nd2 (Buy JOD)
627.43 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy JOD)
3,030 mimecoins   Spent
50,000 JOD - 67,500   Details

Xt9PFJf8gHQ6RY2wLe7LSHZK6ghdvpKLk1 (Sell JOD)
407.93 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell JOD)
1,970 mimecoins   Spent
-50,000 JOD + 72,500   Details

Xi9QWZ6coeemCnfgH3pyK7R4uTAeZpe16m (Buy JPY)
524.46 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy JPY)
2,587.86 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M JPY - 80,000   Details

Xg9Rog8Z9fjMgcne2GBofFbUvSZVEf3FGX (Sell JPY)
510.9 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell JPY)
2,412.13 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M JPY + 85,000   Details

Xg9SQpxhX86w2eUm8bqSaERc2mpWvDL8uZ (Buy KES)
602.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy KES)
3,196.24 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M KES - 91,249.8   Details

Xc9TsW1pdrkaxtGv7c6tgKvvvCW6hPNyv6 (Sell KES)
432.5 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell KES)
1,803.75 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M KES + 96,249.8   Details

Xy9U8mzxded9jLQ3DCUrs3LxzjNfJEYvbk (Buy KGS)
695.66 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy KGS)
3,359.5 mimecoins   Spent
5M KGS - 52,500   Details

Xy9VxErReKUGjkYTdCQyretPH3zoqtCmvC (Sell KGS)
339.7 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell KGS)
1,640.5 mimecoins   Spent
-5M KGS + 57,500   Details

Xu9W7mshYsBC2fPzxwcG6hLWt76J58rd8n (Buy KHR)
354.77 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy KHR)
1,847 mimecoins   Spent
250M KHR - 60,000   Details

Xc9X25V9PveZxEz9bF32VSe7KNFx2B3ghY (Sell KHR)
680.6 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell KHR)
3,153 mimecoins   Spent
-250M KHR + 65,000   Details

Xt9YpXv9AiRfmfUwFtk7WBVVzJnzvYz3Ku (Buy KMF)
492.57 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy KMF)
2,511.5 mimecoins   Spent
25M KMF - 52,500   Details

Xw9ZAXFtLUJ1qZCieLwwFeuBMZpi9PvFC5 (Sell KMF)
542.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell KMF)
2,488.5 mimecoins   Spent
-25M KMF + 57,500   Details

Xw92rh7DBBSp74piAheHjksuXzsqpA5EXb (Buy HNL)
445.56 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy HNL)
2,580.66 mimecoins   Spent
1.66666M HNL - 64,999.9   Details

565.17 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell HNL)
2,419.33 mimecoins   Spent
-1.66666M HNL + 69,999.9   Details

Xe94TkHT4akDTS3sicz51xikSLY5v2F7hk (Buy HTG)
622.61 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy HTG)
3,133.61 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M HTG - 91,249.8   Details

Xf95tzdcvjbTFjEeduUFQ4LXPwAsxTieVf (Sell HTG)
388.12 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell HTG)
1,866.38 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M HTG + 96,249.8   Details

Xi96aGG59y2rhUteQD9wXMwQ5yJbQ1VXj6 (Buy HUF)
598.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy HUF)
3,241.99 mimecoins   Spent
25M HUF - 64,999.9   Details

Xx97M1XyaNjBnrtbNZnYBbd3axAvJ3d2q2 (Sell HUF)
411.82 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell HUF)
1,758 mimecoins   Spent
-25M HUF + 69,999.9   Details

Xk98FZfAeNUQmBhr6D4rxyoNtesF8MngwP (Buy IDR)
567.8 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy IDR)
2,854.86 mimecoins   Spent
1.25B IDR - 76,249.8   Details

Xg99qyxnDjJrxBA3dc4QQGxm5ewRVo8CoU (Sell IDR)
442.92 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell IDR)
2,145.12 mimecoins   Spent
-1.25B IDR + 81,249.8   Details

Xh9AehUG31s1BdtfnMZvwKNre9P8jVbuoF (Buy ILS)
496.23 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy ILS)
2,394.16 mimecoins   Spent
166.666k ILS - 43,333.2   Details

Xk9B3UXReNv9zb5WHxW2f2XMewfY3P1JyW (Sell ILS)
514.49 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell ILS)
2,605.83 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666k ILS + 48,333.2   Details

XqBGePaTMhccBpzdzHUJnixgrpmb6obAwk (Buy AED)
633.13 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2W8KZzEwZ8WV2pkv978bHoynsbJ5QsZ8 (Buy AED)
3,065.74 mimecoins   Spent
250k AED - 64,999.9   Details

XpBHrJBgfmpC6JzBGb5WcDdTjZNttPnNoV (Sell AED)
394.51 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2eDasWMXzvuurfiiX2M9tMjKTMWHwQrK (Sell AED)
1,934.25 mimecoins   Spent
-250k AED + 69,999.9   Details

XwBJRAyDJrZArrURT9qp9CqU1E271dWZhh (Buy AFN)
541.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2sF1hKjDTKfbraeEb7KgiXsaTY8TtehP (Buy AFN)
2,764 mimecoins   Spent
5M AFN - 67,500   Details

485.87 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xc26vaNsdPQSmfYBpc8uzZqb6hAUouUUCV (Sell AFN)
2,236 mimecoins   Spent
-5M AFN + 72,500   Details

XuBLRLkfaxf5QiUvs7ig8StmbbA1bPzf5C (Buy ALL)
364.4 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2PPPRzFFBF2gagEm6DmZDGtEzUrpmf5V (Buy ALL)
2,192 mimecoins   Spent
5M ALL - 50,000   Details

XbBM534A4RRkwW37aDKrtjCcorWDXCkpZf (Sell ALL)
663.24 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xr2L8m6qLFsRpYpWj2R1yE4ZrJ2SG5ain3 (Sell ALL)
2,808 mimecoins   Spent
-5M ALL + 55,000   Details

XvBNFCxbyHSMSrCdfzPS8ENvt7ipg5SzCA (Buy AMD)
685.85 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2C4MkLAD4WRD6Re2zg1y5inrEcRWn8rh (Buy AMD)
3,567 mimecoins   Spent
25M AMD - 60,000   Details

XmBPWSoAriHWsy2ki9Rt3yRu7inGvNwZ8h (Sell AMD)
341.79 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2ian5QzweerMLpHCYNSXGuUsKbKSh9W1 (Sell AMD)
1,433 mimecoins   Spent
-25M AMD + 65,000   Details

XmBQsevGPyeibSzYa1Jbv5m7fMs3RCkVWD (Buy ANG)
503.92 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2ypxNy4qCuKNBWz7pGNstKGbsjoeF5Kk (Buy ANG)
2,475.49 mimecoins   Spent
166.666k ANG - 89,999.8   Details

XfBRvYuFbfM3uMYFAnRsADkm5qFw1Snj7Y (Sell ANG)
523.72 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy26STvoYCQntTH6s52TTXYFGXfVFf2BA2 (Sell ANG)
2,524.5 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666k ANG + 94,999.8   Details

XpBSFVWo927u5ojiuRQ7n8wTYS18AAbVsj (Buy ARS)
683.18 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xv2m5U26B9c65JEumzugCweBhtL1jq1Dju (Buy ARS)
3,356.5 mimecoins   Spent
50M ARS - 55,000   Details

XvBTs5ZD1YvEYdwgPpPUoqffEsfEnaBVFY (Sell ARS)
344.47 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xo2t8pjjm5ZymfRWHx6r1CxHmD2dyt2McY (Sell ARS)
1,643.5 mimecoins   Spent
-50M ARS + 60,000   Details

XjBUf6nM5hUUtdcr6ZVHUJenFVjSbQvzRV (Buy AUD)
586.02 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xx2FZZ6Hc5mpR54oEfuVSwDZC372ZkEQbt (Buy AUD)
2,671.49 mimecoins   Spent
125k AUD - 78,750   Details

XoBV2eQGCvdQGXd34R2sFhovnPrVShn4tU (Sell AUD)
441.63 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2N2KCkcp6pRYpSBkgVxEs2vyHBp7r1P9 (Sell AUD)
2,328.5 mimecoins   Spent
-125k AUD + 83,750   Details

XxBWcXoxbwuyG8NbpQwmJA1B3dZbKtKVFL (Buy AZN)
624.3 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xd2bwJweju65wvLTgRpVe9f3h6Vnqb8VZw (Buy AZN)
3,037.5 mimecoins   Spent
166.667k AZN - 95,000   Details

XyBX4cNH5b5bncfkRzZT2kjrwyJTFnKqkP (Sell AZN)
403.35 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xm2jaonENgX4DMUgLAUY9wF2RBXRQtvQ8u (Sell AZN)
1,962.5 mimecoins   Spent
-166.667k AZN + 100k   Details

XkBYEpudo1sR6NEkcuWFFHb8GRYyPSMCc6 (Buy BBD)
519.54 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xb2481PwbJJkjfL9rzQY3eGLGjGwQYKBXv (Buy BBD)
2,542.16 mimecoins   Spent
166.666k BBD - 79,999.8   Details

XiBZNWhMmHN9SFvfHsyinjWz1u2uA5FfSa (Sell BBD)
508.1 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xh28H351i3MFwBpHuSYtiq8MMm4wk8Kjhu (Sell BBD)
2,457.83 mimecoins   Spent
-166.666k BBD + 84,999.8   Details

XgBaSDNrUjPjwZrRPVfhJtnQaFuxB3sUov (Buy BDT)
538.44 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2nP1wz3DPcW2ZWivZ1diB2dwXPMCvD81 (Buy BDT)
2,647.75 mimecoins   Spent
12.5M BDT - 111.25k   Details

XwBbCTDyNgKA9d6kgVm62xbL93opAdtDZz (Sell BDT)
489.21 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xw2XbXKsV9qgbWEtuCoCesSia96k7MfSKK (Sell BDT)
2,352.25 mimecoins   Spent
-12.5M BDT + 116.25k   Details

XqBc4gpTWWFw622c5GPLArVfksowpHfLb3 (Buy BGN)
464.91 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe2a2hCtwXhZRTaSwrNT2brSsX3c5MGKaX (Buy BGN)
1,879 mimecoins   Spent
166.667k BGN - 90,000   Details

XxBd3GiegUxZowk5yhzQBTs5Lbd6b8HP4E (Sell BGN)
562.74 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn298d8xUEVB7XgV4PMFmNvxTPcVcmxV4J (Sell BGN)
3,121 mimecoins   Spent
-166.667k BGN + 95,000   Details

XvBer2BaGXURDEy4ULjoHCqeux6rrkRKCp (Buy BHD)
526.81 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xp2rqG4yuwyTh9aeQMGJpDLKTMwwxa8wbw (Buy BHD)
2,537.32 mimecoins   Spent
16,666.6 BHD - 41,666.6   Details

XrBf9Ts5rkSv1bjxt3q9hgoHHq61qorSBc (Sell BHD)
500.84 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2N8TszE22CqA1ozcetMZxb5sEPhLc4ca (Sell BHD)
2,462.67 mimecoins   Spent
-16,666.6 BHD + 46,666.6   Details

XgBgeD3itMYVgbrYLoLQMD2TpVTryqX2pi (Buy BIF)
480.78 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xz2D4CZqTXUsx1Yt1RFHUZN5Q51UX5ne4q (Buy BIF)
2,397.24 mimecoins   Spent
250M BIF - 85,000   Details

XqBh9ht3tQxYAGK264KCDswGjN9pbfvu2v (Sell BIF)
546.86 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe28c9b7eDj6eB13svvre1EEVU7k7g1tmC (Sell BIF)
2,602.76 mimecoins   Spent
-250M BIF + 90,000   Details

XwBiJXMfbnSyGtAhawxSXvo1MU8jkfQtnE (Buy BND)
553.03 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xt2RfnGzzmJaK1DrfaBCYRRn7v6jeqGXmC (Buy BND)
2,666.75 mimecoins   Spent
125k BND - 90,000   Details

XhBjcFchXXZn5WJ3Jxc1Zwt3dRAdcngLLS (Sell BND)
474.62 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xe29tWpAGsLXLqTtbV5j69dvVGVum2Jfvh (Sell BND)
2,333.25 mimecoins   Spent
-125k BND + 95,000   Details

XsBk72JCaNP8CNktf8QMp8p68MFEbwbarR (Buy BOB)
481.97 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xu2DXmcv4L56HG4E843QdxuCbySapvvG9p (Buy BOB)
2,098.99 mimecoins   Spent
500k BOB - 70,000   Details

XrBm2cPHGm72yKFmma6Hfz4RV9ChxzPStm (Sell BOB)
545.68 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xi2QT34nMvSP2C65N3u297Pwbahb7qcAHZ (Sell BOB)
2,901.01 mimecoins   Spent
-500k BOB + 75,000   Details

XcBns6uHW6jzJRa3CiDeXyQHb948nwvXVF (Buy BRL)
377.28 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xy25BQkB9GcM6kTTk3kzK27h3Sq9n6MGxy (Buy BRL)
1,459.66 mimecoins   Spent
333.333k BRL - 64,999.9   Details

XyBokoyaJ1EvTnLPYgTMwLXbHT9A6hHNGg (Sell BRL)
650.36 mimecoins   Spent

[S] Xn2e4rLr8zV1FRb7CaXStR1oSoMFoL5Xmi (Sell BRL)
3,540.33 mimecoins   Spent
-333.333k BRL + 69,999.9   Details